Thursday, November 09, 2006

Me again - I did it

Hi all:
Chris says since she has some time till mom comes down for breakfast, I
can tell you all this following story.

The morning before the hairdresser's and the cute puppy, we went for the
woofer walk. Well, sister's dog is still here, even though sister left
quite a while ago. But he is tiny and mainly mom's dog and lives
upstairs with her, so I don't really mind.
After that morning I had done my big and small businesses, we were on
the way back and I was off leas. Yippee, I spotted a cat and ran as fast
as the wind to catch her. I ran almost the distance of the entire road,
which must've been some 300 meters. But as always, the cat had fled to
the tree, and that is where I have to give up. Unfortunately, my paws
aren't made to climb trees. Plus Chris called, and that means you'd
better run back as fast as you left!
Okay, I came back without my collar, I had left that somewhere in the
grass after getting caught somewhere. Chris says that's not bad and I
didn't get scolded for losing the collar.
She says it is good I had a flat nylon on that wasn't put on too tight,
so I could slip out of it in case of emergency like this. And it's only
good I wasn't hurt or harmed.
Anyways, mom even found the collar when she walked alone with the tiny
dog, and that's what I am wearing again.
Cheers, Hapoo.


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