We are never bored!
Allright, here's another tale of me and Chris.
Even though it is not spectacular, there is always something going on in
our lives.
Last week one evening Micki and Chris and I went to chase arrows in the
furniture store, but I was not allowed to chase so many. The ladies were
busy loading carts with heavy packages, and then, of coourse, they also
went to have food for humans. Chris also needed batteries for her
telephones - that's amazing, as they never cease to ring. I thought they
were working perfectly!
The next day we took the streetcar and then I saw sister Suse walking
towards us. We went into that store again where Chris tries on dresses -
well it is alwaysthe same for quite a while now, and Chris always thinks
that it is beautiful and she feels great in it.They all agreed she needs
to lose a bit of weight, but II am not sure why that is - she is good
with or without weights - and carrying a backpack around is also some
weight, isn't it? Then the sisters left me in the car, and they went to
small shops without me. I did not manage to climb to the front seat,
unfortunately. The great Suse took me home, and then things were as normal.
Oh, almost normal, because we are going to have lunch in another house
now, past Daniel's car and then to the right. I love finding the
entrance, and then I meet cousin Anne, which is wonderful. Daniel went
with us, and the humans agreed that the food was quite nice.
And then one day Chris harnessed me up and we went to the streetcar
stop. But Chris said we were not going to the city, so she made me cross
the streetcar tracks and go to the other shelter on the other side. Wuat
a pity - we were not entering the streetcar when it arrived, but we
waited until it had left, and then we found Chris' friend who is not too
fond of me. We took her home with us, and then a very boring weekend
started. Well not eally boring, for early Saturday morning sister Suse
surprisingly showed up an had breakfast with us, and I was given the
chance to play with her a little. I so love to jump up on her and wash
her face or smell her legs if I can, if they don't hide in the kitchen
that is! For kitchen - that has not changed - is a nogo for me.
And yesterday Micha came, I like him, too, and he and Chris were doing
something in the office, where Chris and I usually stay. The entire
apartment smells like furniture store now. I think they are setting up
some furniture there, and I will see what it is when it is finished. I
gues nothing interesting, for it will be closed with doors only humans
can open.
Maybe we will meet Micki or the sister soon, or maybe, maybe the big
boss who I have not seen for ages! I heard Chris talking with him!
And just wait until Mr Sun comes! Maybe he brings his mama and the
coolest brother on earth - for Chris has none - and then if Suse is also
around, I will have a great time playing and jumping, I am sure!
Have a good time, enjoy the snow while it is lying on the ground, Quito.
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