Wednesday, January 10, 2007

An extraordinary event

Hi all:
This afternoon after Shadow came home we ate something and then we
walked to the pet store not too far away. There we first looked at
treats but could not find the ones we were looking for. But we did find
a few treats, including the ones that Hapoo usually gets with her salmon
oil tablets, so swallowing them is easier. We then looked for moist
training treats, and the lady showed us the ones from Solid Gold, a
rather nice brand. I chose two, and on we went to the toys section.
There I found a kong that is usually too small for Hapoo, but it will
serve my purposes well. I am planning to freeze it with a mixture of
carot and potato mash enriched with a few pieces of kibble. That should
keep Hapoo busy on hot summer days. She is not a strong chewer anyway.
We looked around a bit more and then headded for the checkout counter.
I had a hard time trying to understand the guy there, he spoke very soft
and not really clear, but Shadow made sense of what he said. He told us
that one bag of the Solid Gold treats ended up being $15.50, sO I
decided not to buy it. I then proceeded to sign for my credit card, but
I went a bit off on the screen. The man said it was okay anyway. Shadow
and he had a strange conversation then. He kept saying "Don't worry",
and I didn't know what there was to worry about. We also found out that
he had been involved in a terrible accident on New Year's day, falling
out of his car window and cracking his skull open. Can you imagine that
he was already at work?
We left the store, and Shadow informed me that I had been given the two
treat bags for free. My entire purchase only came up to $18.00, already
reduced by a dollar savings, even though I didn't have the store value
card, and in my bag I had items worth around $50.00! I just couldn't
believe it!
The guy had sent us off quietly, otherwise I would have thanked him big
time. I still cannot believe it - and Hapoo is sure going to have a good
time with all the yummy things that I am bringing!
That's my Hapoo story for today, cheers, Chris:-)


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