Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day Six

As we went for the morning run, Quito really tested her limits, her recall turned out to be really bad. I am working on her desire for food rewards, and I am really getting somewhere by making it a fun game. It was on the morning run that I decided to use the flexible leash from now on, so the experience of getting back to me can easier be a positive one, while I am able to influence it, too.

When the coach picked me up it was snowing again, but we started the drive towards my home. The weather improved as we got further north, and there were no traffic jams. We talked a lot, I showed her the free walk route I use every day, and she said that that was enough, considdering that it is just a potty walk and not work.

It is good to be back home, for sure. I started to unpack once the coach had left, and Quito followed me everywhere. She did not want to go to her place. So I decided to force myself to be lazy. I sat down and started checking my emails, and surely Quito settled down by my side. I let her, I could feel her suspicion of invisible back doors or gaps that I might escape through, now that she was put into an environment where she knew nothing and nobody but me.

Her sensitive side kicked in as she did not want to eat much of her food. So again I made it a game of search, and that really persuaded her to grab the bites she found and really eat them.


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