Hi everybody:
Again we went for a short trip to Berlin, our capital, s Chris calls it. We departed yesterday; mom took us and the luggage to the train. I knew that this was the trip to say goodbye to Shadow, for the bags were all his.
In Berlin we arrived at the usual train station, where we first locked the bags and then started looking for a hotel. Chris’ hands were so cold that she got a little tense. When we found the hotel we had to walk four floors up, only then we discovered the elevator. It took while until we found our room, but Chris did not give us much rest. She just made one phone-call and then dragged us up to another adventure.
I found out that the place she took us to see was her former school. Her music teacher and her husband picked us up at the train station, where cold nasty snowy wind greeted us. The husband took care of me, which I disliked quite a bit. Why couldn’t he have left me with Chris, and why couldn’t Chris have insisted on taking me? Well, Shadow and she got nice guided tour through the school building and some reading material, before the nice couple dropped us off at the train station about an hour later.
Then we took the train back to the centre of the city, where Chris and Shadow took a little rest and then took me out for dinner. Or should I rather say, they made me watch them have delicious fish, and later a wonderful dessert in another restaurant?
This morning the watch announced wake up time pretty early, and outside it was still cold, when we went for a walk in a little side park area. And then, the same procedure as every time when Shadow and Chris say goodbye. They go to the platform, and from then on it’s only the two of them in the whole wide world. And when Shadow has put us on the train and Chris has found a place for us, she cries a little, and maybe more. Shadow heads for the airport, and from time to time her mobile phone rings and he keeps her updated about the advancement of his travels and possibly troubles.
When we returned home, Chris had problems accepting that from now on it’s only me and her. She emailed a little and had lunch, before she disappeared in the bedroom. After a while I started barking, because some people went into the upstairs part of the house, but Chris did not care. She kept on sleeping for another while.
We have visitors: Sister Anna and her three children. The boy is quite nice, the older girl is afraid of me licking and smelling her, and the baby doesn’t care, but she is not interesting for me either.
It’s going to be boring from now on, without Shadow and his spontaneous trips with Chris and me, and without their jokes and dinners and talks and walks. So you have a less bored time and enjoy it as much as you can, byebye, yours, Hapoo.
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