Sunday, August 21, 2005

To a new reader

Hi David:
<woofwoofwoof> I'm soooooo excited, finally some nice person has left me
a comment <woo-oo-oo-oof>
You know, I am indeed a cool and very important woofer! I am what they
call a guide dog. When I am on duty I wear a harness and show Chris many
things she cannot see. I have even memorized routes in our local train
station she wouldn't find without me anyway.
I am a proud Hovawart, a breed that is not yet recognized by American
standard setters in terms of breeding. But the breed exists, as I can
prove. And I am a mighty barker, that is for sure!

Talking about the tiny dog - well he has left with Sister and her
daughter. But I'm fine with that. I thought the house is getting quiet
now, but Hapoo don't think, humans are not realy predictable!
Just this afternoon, o what a fine thing, mom returned. But I was only
allowed to greet her quietly and with good manners.
Then soon after mom's great arrival a man came. I had seen him a few
times before, but I don't care about him much. I barked at him, but
Chris made me touch her hand and praised and praised, until I left him
alone and barked no more.
And in the afternoon, btw, me, Chris and the friend from the church went
for a long long walk in the heat, and then the two had lunch outside.
Chris says she has defrosted a meal that Shadow has prepared. And she
loves it when he cooks.
By the way, David, if you want to find out more about me, just work your
way through the archives. You will hopefully agree with me that Chris
has some really strange things about her.
Have a good day everybody, wherever you sleep or awake, cheers, the
Hapoo barker.
P.s.: Bones are always yummy, David!!!


Blogger David said...


I think that you are a very good dog for being so nice to help Chris with your guiding abilities. I know that it takes a very smart dog to act as a guide, so I am very impressed with your Hovawart ancestry!

When I was young, a very nice dog lived with my family. She was a Beagle and was also very smart and a natural hunter. She was mostly a quiet dog, but when another dog from the neighborhood came by to visit, she would always say hello. Her greeting was not so much a "Woof Woof", but more like a "Booorrrrrruuuuu!". She also loved her bones. She was a very sweet dog, but if I came too close to her when she was chewing a tasty bone, she would growl softly at me to let me know that she was too busy with something very important to stop and play with me. :)

I will try to read some of your archives.

Woof to you later. :)

21/8/05 22:13  

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