To Shadow
Dear Shadow:
I think it is time I write something to you, now that you have been in
our lives for almost four years - your time with Chris is just a week
longer than mine with her, so that makes us equal partners.
Ah I hear you say, no dog is equal partners with a human - let's not
argue about that. Let's just assume it is that way, allright?
And by the way, we do have quite a few things in common, things you
might not be aware of.
We both think Chris is a louzy cook. You think so because you have never
seen her prepare a good tasting dinner for yourself - except maybe
tomato sauce of the simplest kind and cheap pasta. But when it comes to
rice, she fails badly. I think so because she never makes me any good
smelling delicious meat dish. The only thing she prepares for me is
plane rice when my stomach is sick, or Hapoo biscuits.
We both considder each other rivals for Chris' attention. I think it is
unfair that you are allowed into the kitchen with her, and I have to lie
in the doorway to make sure I can view the scene. You can even go
through the kitchen into the bedroom and better and meaner yet - share
the bed with her! O the heavens would fall down thundering on me if I
tried to jump on her bed!
And you think it is not fair that I can be with Chris when you cannot,
and that she still sometimes sits on the floor with me, strokes or hugs
me, or checks my paws.
She buys presents for the two of us. She will sometimes give into my
begging and pulling and go through the Hapoo store with me and end up
buying something more or less useful. And she will go into the huge book
store with you, select books for herself that you help her evaluate, or
just wait for you to have a blast. And she will buy you things you like.
We do have our things to share among us, though with Chris closely
monitoring. I can take the chance and catch a lick on your hand in a
moment you aren't careful. And you can slip me a piece of your saussage
when I am a good girl and Chris gives permission. I have accepted you
into the pack, I will guide Chris following you through narrow shop
aisles. And I will patiently wait while you are shopping for clothes.
You do pity me when I am in pain, or when I have to stay outside of a
store. You even take my side and walk out of a store when I am not
welcomed. And I do thank you for that. Trouble is I can't lick you or
bug you for pets, because you don't ike it. It is hard to show you my
affection, believe me!
You even walk me when it is raining, so Chris doesn't need to go out
into the wet. I think she is the true star of it all - she says and I
do; she suggests and you considder.
Should I continue in my next ramble with memories of things that you and
I did together or did not together? But for now I'll go and see if Chris
gives my my Hapoo food, licks from Hapoo.
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