Day Eleven
We first took the streetcar and then changed to the city train. Once we had arrived at the train station, we strolled along the train and worked on locating entrances. The result was mixed but acceptable. We went to the bakery that used to be Hapoo's favourite spot, had our lunch break and then went o the pedestrian zone in the city. In the pedestrian zone quito displayed some abilities that really made my heart jump. She showed a store and my bank by hesitantly walking towards them, and was quite happy to go inside. O this is really something that makes my life so much easier, as I am not really good at orienting myself in terms of distance already walked. Even the traffic lights were announced acceptably, and then we called it a day.
At home I found that my kind neighbour had accepted to receive a package for me, which included the frozen fresh meat that I am intending to feed Quito. He even walked upstairs to hand it over, so I could put the load into the freezer I had bought solely for that purpose. Besides the portions ordered (beef and fish) I received some canned food (slowly heated so it does not lose too many of its vitamines and minerals), a few cooked meat portions and even dog biscuits that have meat as their main ingredience. I am planning to feed Quito more fresh meat, but I will not be able to do without kibble. After all, I am going to be considderate towards my colleagues when I am working late shift, some of them may not like the sight of the meat. Plus when I travel it is impossible to carry along meat that is required to be frozen.
At night Quito and I went on our first walk in harness alone. We were invited at Daniel's. First she did not want to walk with me, but then after an intensive talk she did walk at a brisk pace, took the right turn, as Daniel gave the direction, found the entrance and even showed me the elevator. At Daniel's place she was excited at first but soon settled down in a little corner between our two sofas that she considders safe and comfortable. She found a little rubber bone that Daniel's dog was supposed to play with, and so we played a little game of fetch. She takes it nicely, even brings it back to me and releases it on command. When running free she has never been the greatest fetcher. It was then that I decided to see if I could find the rope that Hapoo used to play tug of war with me, Quito might like it.
Daniel had a great laugh as we walked home, for Quito looked at everything. When people passed by, she really looked up into their faces, stared at a car driver who passed by and thoroughly inspected a streetcar. A mass of people is not at all attractive, but a single person is extremely interesting for her. I am sure we will have a great time together.
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