Saturday, March 31, 2012

What a week!

Well, it was not as spectacular as te previous one, but nevertheless fun.
At work I met Daniel. I only took a glance at sister Suse from afar,
and she did not play with me at all. Apparently Chris had a lot to do,
too, so she did not play too much with me.
However, a couple of days ago Chris and I left work early, and outside
I spotted Suse and Micki and the niece Lena. Chris let me off leash,
and I ran back and forth between them.. We all got into the car and got
off at the furniture store. There the humans had lots of human food, and
then we walked through the store. Suddenly Micki and Lena took me over
to a few comfortable chairs, and Chris and Suse went off on their own.
They returned with two carts full of stuff, then payed and had the nerve
to explain that these packages were Micki's new balcony.
Hey ladies, I am a dog and not stupid. I know what a balcony looks like!
The stupid ladies then proceeded to clarify that the cubic packages were
wooden tials for the floor, In the long flat ones were chairs, and then
there were cushions. Okay, makes sense, but only when it's set up it
will be a re-shaped balcony!
Sister Suse took Chris and me home, and then she loaded the car up to
the roof to get the tiny dog, the niece, Mickii, herself and the 27
packages home. Nice loyal car!
And now it is weekend, prior to which Micki and we went shopping. I
even received a tiny bit of meat from a lady in the supermarket.
Shopping was fun and I was really tired afterwards. Today Chris is the
tired one,and so I will keep quiet and watch as she rubss her ill nose
more and more red as she cleans it.
Have a good weekend everywhere, Yours, Quito.


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