Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A few more adventures

Good morning!
I tell zou, sometimes the world is a bit of fun! Ohe of the days that
followed my previous post we met the sister Suse in the city, and we
went to the usual store, and one more. They say the dress fits Chris
perfectly now - and I was not allowed to smell it! It is a dress I have
never seen Chris wearing before - oh sorry - I am not, under any
circumstances, supposed to talk abut it in further detail - or else she
threatens to drastically cut my food portions! Oh no, she certainly got
me there - I love my food, so I'd better keep quiet! Fine, but strange
it was anyway!
Another day I was allowed to go to Daniel's car after work - I love it!
And then we went to the big supermatket thing, where the humans tried
out a new food place. I did not see much of it, but they say that a food
called Sushi comes moving past them on a luggage belt like they have at
airports! I have seen those before, they take bags and suitcases for a
ride. This belt here apparently took food for a ride, until somebody
snatches it and eats it. The portions were all small, and after they
were finished, they had a tower of small bowls at the end of the table
and their stomachs full. Then we went to the supermarket - and since I
did not have my harness on - just the signam jacket - I had fun! I
looked at all the people I wanted to stare at, tried to catch a sniff
here and there, tried to put my head deep into the non-food shelves -
but of course, I was caught various times.
Then we met Micki in the city, but honestly, I have no idea what this
trip is about. Chris said at one store they took pictures of her, and
that was it. At another one they had food, and at a number of others
they checked out some metal decoration for humans, but did not buy
anything. When we returned home, we were both tired, I tell you!
And finally Chris and I went to the city on ur own again. We went to the
bank, where they deal with money. Well actially, in Chris' case with
paper, I think but she insists it was money. Fine with me - yo cannot
convince her of the right when she claims to know better.
And currently she has a stage of nervousness to face - but I have not
the slightest idea what she nd Mr Sun keep talking about all the time.
Well, she wants to have coffee and use computer for herself, so I wish
you a wonderful day ...

besides, I see her lying on the floor doing strange moves more and more
often - she calls it sports - allright!
Have a good day, Quito.


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