Saturday, April 26, 2003

Hello everybody:
Are you enjoying your weekend? I am, especially since Chris gave me a bit of her breakfast meat, which is called Wurst by Khodadad and the Germans.
Well, I have promised to update you on the statistics, so here goes: Not much to tell, the Iranian hits are at 205, and Germany and USA have passed 150, both still battling for 2nd position. Currently the U.S. readers are a little ahead, but this can change any minute. The rest is pretty boring, not many changes there. Recently somebody from Norway has come and visited, but that did not yet have an impact on the major statistics. A nation will have to have at least ten readers visiting, before it is show among the ten best nations. So good luck!

Now let’s see what has happened in the past few days. I can tell you that it has not been much. Chris has spent a bit of time watching videos. I think she enjoyed them. She also took me out on the balcony when the weather was nice, and one day we walked the long route in the afternoon. Yesterday that was not the case, but she made me jump although there was no barrier. I don’t know what that is good for, but both of us enjoyed it. You know, love to jump! And of course, Chris has started watching tennis again, this boring boom boom game with people running until they can’t run anymore. Here is something else she has started doing: drinking tea. The noise of the samovar comes to my ears more often now, and I am so familiar with the smell of the tea she makes! Even no coffee for breakfast! Is she sick, or what? She does not seem sick to me, but what else could have made her change her habit?

Shadow called, too, and I think she enjoyed talking to him. I bet they are missing each other. If I could, and if I had wings, I would take this heavy lady on my back and fly her to wherever Shadow is. I know he does not care for me, but doesn’t really matter, s long as he does not tell Chris to give me away. Even if he did, would Chris do that to me? See, she is my only master, she is the only one to shout and praise, the only one I obey to 95% of the times. I love Mom and jump up on her with my front paws and run to greet her when she comes downstairs for breakfast in the morning; and I kind of respect Shadow and wait until he tells me to get my food, but I protect and serve Chris. She is the only one who can hold on to the handle of the harness and have me guide her
And above all, she gives me Wurst! Shadow would probably enjoy that, but for some odd reason she does not let him. That’s something I dislike about Chris. She always tells people not to feed or pet me, and she really gets upset when they still do. Maybe there are some corners of the human brain I don’t have, so I don’t quite understand her thoughts, or what do you think?
I for one have written enough and will go sleep and enjoy the taste of the piece of Wurst and the fresh water, yours, Hapoo.


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