Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Hi folks:
These past two days were quite adventurous form e. I had told you that Chris had taught me to jump on a stone. After that was done, two days ago mom and she built a slam barreer, over which I now had to jump. I could have walked over it or just passed by it, but if I did that, Chris kept the tret thatwas in her hand for herself. So I had to jump, but it took a day until I fully understood what I had to do to get the treat as quickly as possible.

Yesterday after the couple of morning jumps Chris put me on the balcony most of the time. She only took me back inside when it was time for lunch. After that mom left for university. Soon Chris and I took the train to Rostock, where we had to wait for mom to pick us up.
When we came down into the tunnel, I noticed that nothing was the same. First we wondered around for Chris to find out how the stairs are located, nd then we went down even more to take the Straßenbahn. This thing is smaller than a train, but it runs on railtracks, even in the middle of the city.

There were many people in the city, it was almost as crazy as over Christmas, just this time they called it Easter. The weather was gorgeous, and so they had ice-cream. Poor Shadow should have been there, I kremember he loved Softeis!

Then we went into a quiet shop, where Chris made me step on a moving staircase. It was all right, she just did not let e walk up all the way, but instead I had to wit until she told me to get off. She must have liked the way I did it, for at the end she praised and treated me. We did that one more time, and then we left the store.

When we wanted to go home by car after our shopping ws done, mom realized that the car had disappeared. They say it had been towed away. For me that meant getting on an overheated Straßenbahn for about half an hour and walking quite a distance, until Chris gave me water, delicious and cool water. Then we had the cr back and finally were able to go back home.

I tell you, that was an adventure! And then also there was another man who talked about TV and radio with mom, and that she had to pay for her TV. Chris did not hae to, somebody understand that1 nyway, I think I really deserved my sleep and food last night and am really awake now.
Tomorrow we will go on a journey for about a week, Chris says. We are going to Biankas place, where I hae never been. But she tells me it is going to be relaxing and I am going to like it. So forgive me if I don’t write anything until then, yours, Hapoo.


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