Thursday, April 05, 2007

The past days

Hi all wooferesses, woofers and humans:
Well these last days were quite eventful i´n a way. Yesterday, for
example, I barked at the mail lady. Chris had forgotten to close the
outside door, so when I heard her arriving I barked and dashed outside
before Chris could stop me. Yoohoo, that was funnnnn! The post lady even
rewarded me with a treat. I could sure need that.
The previous day I had discovered a bowl of human food trash that the
hens were supposed to get. It contained eggshells and a few green beans
gone bad. I first picked out the eggshells and carried them to my place
(not the house), and then started with the beans. O but Chris caught me
and sent me to my house, and mom stole the eggshells from me. Mean mom,
I had claimed them! Mean Chris, I didn't get food that night.
And then yesterday the cousin came and we walked through the vilage. And
as we passed the cemetary, I stopped at the correct door. Cool, eh?
And now I think the friend is coming to visit, so I probably won't be
able to write much anyway. Happy celebrations to all humans and behave
well to all woofers, Hapoo.


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