Thursday, July 24, 2008

Unpredictably busy

I all woofers and humans:
First of all, I need to tell you that mom left us to go somewhere with
her sister in the morning after taking us for the morning walk. I
immediately took on the responsibility of guarding the premises.
Whenever something moved, I was on alert and barked so Chris could pay
attention. We spent a lot of time in the front yard, Chris playing with
her new PC, and I either dozing in the sun or exploring the smells of
the flower pots or looking out at the things happening behind the gate.
And when mom came, we went for another big walk.

Today started pretty lazy. The lades had a long breakfast, and then we
went for a big run. I again took a splash in the pond, and came out
stinking like a frog, as Chris puts it. I was negatively rewarded for my
morning bath by being taken into the shower and given a through rinse. O
how I hate that natural rain of water!

I was hen put in the front yard to get a natural hair drying period,
while Chris took a shower ad then sat and talked with mom. Later she had
beans to clean and carrots and turnips to cut. During that she got a
blister, so there'll be no more heavy cutting for the next week or so.

The ladies had lunch, Chris took a nap like she always does while she is
here. She says this plus the tomatoes and the sun are responsible for
the withdrawal of the cold that was beginning to rise inside her. Good
job Chris, it's always good to win a fight.

But then in the afternoon we got into the car and finally went into the
shopping center again. Chris says she had lost one of the rings she
wears on her fingers, ad her left hand feels so stupidly empty without a
ring. So they looked out for rings in two shops, but they returned to
the more exclusive one. The lady there was really nice, and finally
Chris ended up buying two really beautiful ones, or so she and mom think
at least. One holds red tiny stones Chris calls rubies, and one holds
artificial diamonds and one central purple stone, whose name is too
complicated for me to remember.

Then the ladies had ice-cream, and Chris remembered to ask for Hapoo
water for me. And then they took me to the grocery store. I must
confess, I didn't feel like walking mannerly there. I would have
preferred to dash through the aisles in top speed and wag my tail, but
Chris wanted it to happen differently, so I had to hold back my energy.

Back in the front yard the ladies lazed, mom prepared delicious smelling
chicken food, but I did not get a single bite of it. She also had fish
outside, but I still didn't get any. So finally we went for the Hapoo
walk in the meadows. O I love to toss and turn in the cool and fresh
grass there, the meadow is the best fur and skin cleaner I know. This
time, however, we did not go to the frog pond, Chris says it is not good
for me to stink like a frog when we take the train back home.

And this is what we'll do: We will go to the friend's city again and
meet her there at the train station. And then the friend, Chris and I
will take the train home. Depending on how much luggage Chris finally
ends up taking home with her we will either take a taxi or the
streetcar, and then she will have a wonderful weekend with the friend,
and I am sure I will be missing the wonderful meadows from here and the
jumps and tosses and the pnnd. But I am also sure we will have to go to
work again soon, and there I will meet all the people I have not seen
for a long while.

Talk to you later, when we are back to our home routine, cheers, Hapoo.


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