Saturday, September 06, 2014

Alive and kicking

Hi all you nvisibles out there,
how are you?
We all are fine, and Chris enjoyed the last glimpse of summer most of
us, I suppose.
Did you think we were lazy? Certeinly we were not!
One morning we had to go to the foreigher's administration to get Mr
Sun's official ID card, then once we had to go the friendly ladies one
of whom checks Chris', and now also Mr Sun's eyes, because he wants to
request another ID card which says that he is blind. Can he then also
get a dog? Would be fun, maybe, so I'd have somebody to play and boss! Yay!
Finally Chris and I went to the place where she learns a lot and I sleep
a lot, which she calls a seminar. We had to go to a hotel where I pretty
much know my way, and there we met very many friendly people who played
with me and went for walks with us. I had a fantastic week, Chris says
she, too.
Then it was back to normal work, except that sister Suse and Lena were
here with a small squeaking thing they call baby human. I didn't like
him when he was noisy, but Suse permitted to look at his feet - that was
surely something.
Chris is very proud, for now she can work with a thing she calls sewing
machine. To me it is another monster that makes noise and somehow deals
with fabric - but more I have no clue about - seems it's nothing for me.
That's all n brief, Chris says she wants the computer while having
coffee, before we run off to work,
cheers for now and good summer day, Quito.


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