Saturday, July 19, 2003

Hello everybody:
First, here are some more statistics you might be happy about.
While according to last night’s stats German hits have reached the 200 mark, U.S. visitors had already crossed it, and Iranians have even made it beyond the 300. Man, you Iranians must be enthusiastic blog readers, eh? I will forever love you for this and promise never to bite you but only lick your hands
I know Shadow is something like Iranian (a fact he and Chris always have minor arguments about), and he and I always play “Catch me if you can”. Sometimes I am even successful, Shadow is angry and Chris laughs at my successful mischief. But before Shadow totally hates me, let me just mention that the total number of weblog hits have even broken through the 1000 wall! If Chris was not so mean, I would drink some sparkling wine with you.
Talking about sparkling wine, the day I was talking about was her birthday – so finally now I know how people celebrate their birthdays. Reminds me a bit of Christmas, only that one person gets presents, not everybody in the house.

Now honestly, folks: Have you ever seen a dog eating sour cherries? I love them. Our neighbour has some I always pick up from the street or get out of the grass under the tree. When Chris thinks I had enough she only lets me off the leash after we have passed this tree. Sometimes she can be nice, then she gives me one of the cherries she is taking the seeds out of, which is really generous of her. Once she also gave me a bit of carrot, which was nice to chew on I hope she has more of these lovely sweets (or sours), until then I wish you a happy day, yours, Hapoo.


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