Saturday, September 10, 2005

My working morning

Hi all:
Today was one of those days I had to work a lot. I noticed we were going
out as soon as Chris finished with breakfast. Without going to the
computer she got my leash out and we went for the morning walk. But I
didn't feel the need to do any major business. Instead I was granted
some time off leash and Chris played with me, which was fun.
Then we went to the shopping mall with mom. While mom went into that one
store where I am not allowed, Chris and I stayed outside, and she made
me find our car. She says when mom arrived I was doing pretty well from
a close distance, but well for the beginning - it wasonly the first
session with the clicker.
Then the three of us went into the mall thingie and first into the post
office. There I immediately found the space where Chris usually stands
and talks to the lady. We didn't stay for long this time, because Chris
had forgotten a paper with an address <heehee> how forgetful!
Then farmacy, which was boring, and then supermarket, which was very ful
of good smells - bt I was a good girl, so Chris says. Then we had a
break, the humans had ice-cream ad I got a bowl of water. Then shoe
shop, where I was so excited, because everywere tere were chairs for
Chris to sit on that I could spot, but she only sat down once and put me
down beside her, to try on shoes.
And then we drove a little and wet into one store, me only on leash. But
I did a great job leash guiding Chris, as if I wasin harness. I gt lots
of pets for that, she was eally happy, and for a reward she let me run
on a nearby patch of grass.
Then off e went to another store, where mom and Chris bought a whole lot
of things that I cannot figure out - but doesn't matter it was fn anyway
to go everywhere.
Now I a tired, and Chris is happy for I did such a good job - I am a god
guide dog after all, as if you didn't know - cheers, Hapoo.


Blogger David said...

Hapoo, you are certainly a busy dog! I came to leave a comment to your previous post and I see that you have a new post now. So, please look there to see what I wrote. :)

11/9/05 10:52  

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