Hoohoo, back I am!
Most recently, from what I have understood, the wise Mr Music Man has
compared Chris' half of the human race to cats. That's really fun. I
think, Mr Music man, you were going to do me a favour with this one,
right? I mean, cat are my most interactive chase toy!
They come, I run, they run; They climb a tree, I stare, Chris calls, I
run back. And despite my considderable age I can still run fast and
speedy at the sight of such a creature.
If Chris were a cat, I am not sure what I would do.
Firstly, and most importantly, she would not have needed a guide dog
like myself. For even if a cat's eyes don't work, they will be too proud
to admit so, Chris says. Plus cats cannot hold on to my harness, and I
am way taller than they are.
Secondly, I would have chased her up a tree rather than letting her boss
me around.
I am not sure whether transforming Chris into a cat is so desirable,
given that she herself doesn't like them, and secretly loves it when I
chase them away from her. Of course, she never openly encourages it,
because it is against the guide dog etiquette, but I have heard her say
that she was happy more than once.
She says she is charmed that you feel comfortable around women, dear Mr
Music Man, because she feels comfortable around most of your half of the
race as well. I wonder why that is. I choose anybody, male or female
human, to be my friend, mainly when they are calm. My best friends at
work are Petra and two of the bosses, one male and one female human, and
the big boss, another male. But I only love them because Chris is there.
I think she is what you considder my family, with the very pleasant
addition of mom and cousin Anne.
Have a cool time with or without cats, but always keep a dog, Yours,
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