Sunday, December 09, 2007

The forrest run

Hi all:
I seem to be getting a lot of offleash time lately - and it's such fun!
Yesterday one of the nice ladies from work picked me and Chris up, and
we drove for a while. We arrived at a place where quite many people had
gathered, they all seem to be from work. I even saw Petra, who, of
course, gave me pets and treats out of her pocket. I was not in harness,
Chris hadn
't even brought that, but I was only on flexible leash. Chris told
everybody that they could pet me as much as they wanted today, and I did
get a lot of pets all day. First we sat and the humans had breakfast,
and then the nice lady who has a really tough time resisting to pet me
talked quite a bit. We finally left the place, guided by Petra and
accompanied by both of the nice ladies from work and many more,
including Marian the furniture man. As soon as we were on the forrest
route, Chris let me run off leash, and I ran like a young one and
bounced like a puppy. I crossed the road, circled around the flock of
folks and maneuvered my way right through and started all over again. I
then spotted a few people waiting ahead of the humans, and went to see
what they had for us. They talked and then gave the humans some
chocolate treats. I tried if I could get one or two, but of course, no
chance. Chris has them all trained perfectly as far as the no food
policy is concerned. The no pets rule is a different story <heehee> We
went back into the breakfast place, but this time it was boring. I just
had to wait till they were finished doing whatever it was they did.
Marian came out with a big basket full of stuff, but no treats, only
human drinks. And human drinks, believe me, are nothing at all to even
lift your head if you're lying in a cozy place. They all took photos
with small cameras that seemed to apear out of the blue, and even
Kerstin, the lady who is so so afraid of me, had her picture taken with
me and petted me. But Chris stayed on my other side and made sure I
behaved nicely. Of course I did, I know when it is important to behave.
More stops in the middle of the forest, more people telling something
and then the humans to play some kind of games I have no idea about.
Chris says they all had to do with what she does at work. Then it was
lunch time, and I got to see the cousin at one point, though very
briefly. After lunch we went out again, this time guided by another lady
I don't know, but Chris says she is at work, too. We saw Max, my most
favourite pets sneaker. He first talked, and then he asked if he could
pet me. Chris was quite amaed he even asked, but then I got my pets, of
course. I was really exhausted by the time we returned to the central
gathering place. When our guide had found us a place to rest, I
immediately dove in under the table and slept there, while the boss lady
talked some more, people walked to her and back to their seats, and
finally the humans had cakes and coffee. And right afterwards we left
with the nice lady from work and her car.
Chris was not feeling too good, so she spent the rest of the evening on
the sofa and in the bathtub and then in bed. She really slept late, and
this morning it rained like hell when we went for the Hapoo walk. Chris
used the mobile roof again, and I got dried with a big towel once we
were back.
If my spying ears haven't left me, mom is coming over, yippee!
Cheers and good Sunday, Hapoo.


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