Thoughtful about Shadow
Hi all:
I am still quite puzzled about the whole Shadow business. I know for
sure that at this time of the year Chris should at one point take me to
the Hapoo kennels and then leave for Shadow's warm place. However, she
has not even brought out one of the frightening suitcases that mean
travel. And the gamble is alway whether she travels with or without me.
Usually at this time of the year it is the without side of the game, but
when Chris comes back she is full of Shadow's scent, and in her big huge
bag tuere usually rest Hapoo treats and maybe a new toy, like last
year's frisbee. Even the bag smells like Shadow, and all the clothes she
wears - some of them I have never seen.
Allright, let's see here. The strange things began before summer, when
Chris talked on the phone for ages with Shadow, but something had
changed. She was not happy after the talk had ended, but thoughtful and
sad. That didn't seem to mean much, because in early summer Shadow
stayed with us, and all seemed to be normal. We even went on a nice trip
with a car where I could go along. They talked in the bedroom, and we
went to the city all together.
However, Shadow left before it was Chris' birthday, he went to his Iran
place. Then the sister came and mom left for Norwegian vacations, and
the strange phone calls continued. There must have been one crucial one,
after which Chris just lay down and cried. Sister came in and hugged her
and waited until the tears were gone, and I think she took great care of
Chris. I didn't know what had happened, except that Chris was in a
strange mood, not necessarily sad, but her happiness wasn't real. And
when mom came back, I even heard her talk a few rough words about
Well, then we started going to work, and I loved it, as you know. Chris'
mind must have been diverted, for she was not all that sad anymore. The
phone talks with Shadow got far less frequent, especially after we
changed places from mom's to the apartment. Chris brought everything
that was Shadow's, but she didn't put it up, but instead everything was
put in a huge bag. She says she wanted to put the bag in the basement,
but the air isn't too good down there, especially in winter, so she
keeps the big bab upstairs in the bedroom. Every now and then she finds
something that is Shadow's, and then she very slowly walks over to the
bag and puts it in with the other belongings of his. She says she has a
hard time putting in the fish cup, but that, too, is his.
Chris says she is not going to see Shadow this year, and from now on he
will not follow her like the Shadow that he is. She says that job is
quite time and thought-consuming, and he has decided to change people
for a change. I don't know if that is legal at all, you cannot simply
change the person whose Shadow you want to be!
Okay, if you aren't listening to Chris, then let me tell you that it
took quite a while not to bark at you, dear Shadow, and I miss licking
your hand when you expect it the least. I have shared you with Chris for
as long as I can remember, I have tried to be generous and not jealous
when you hugged her and she had no hand free to scratch my hand. I
played runrun with you and accepted you in the pack, I even obeyed you,
and that is a tough one for me.
So, Shadow, if you are ever going to be a good and faithful Shadow,
always remember the one who taught you to be a good Shadow for so long,
and me, who has named you that! Maybe you fancy a good explanation of
the current state you're in? Are you going to see us again? And if so,
what will be different?
Well I know one thing: I sleep in the bedroom now - not to annoy you,
Chris insists, but because I kept biting myself badly. If it were for
you she'd have tried to put me in my house, without success, I fear. So
if you ever come to resume your duty, I will be quiet and try not to
bark at night, okay? And if you come and will not remember your job,
then I'll bark in the middle of the night, right beside you. And I will
wake you up by licking your hand, there you go!
But all of that aside, you will always be my Shadow, you deal with it,
Hapoo! Shadow will always be the shadow and he will always try to follow Chris. But sometimes shadows have a hard time doing their job and really hard and sad and heartbreaking decisions have to be made. Sorry I have not gotten to see you for awhile, but you will always be my Hapoo as well!
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