Sunday, July 27, 2008

The last days of leasure

Well, it looks like we ´went home safely, but this t6ime accompanied by the friend of Chris'
Mom had taken me and the friend's mother to the station, and there we met the friend. The train was late, so all of us roasted in the sun. It was terrible, even though I had so much water at the friend's mom's apartment. We finally left on the train. First our route was blocked by some beer on the ground, so we went upstairs. Some wonderful people who were not from this country gave the three of us a fourseater, which was really nice. But behind us there were folks Chris considdered scary. She says they belong to the right side of the society. She says that side of the society is very dangerous. I don't know why one side of it is dangerous and the other isn't, but that's my dog brain I think. I am just thinking that Chris always walks on my side, and she is not scary. But she felt uncomfortable with these people, and she must be right. Finally we got up again, and Chris occupied two seats in a fourseater, where one man was sitting. She took the friend with her and all the bags, and we finally got settled.
The man who was sitting with us now was quite nice, at least the ladies talked with him for a long time. When we finally got off the train, a man and a woman were waiting for us, and they took us all to a taxi. And the taxi took us home. I loved being home for sure, it is nice to have your familiar spots and beds back, and Chris and the friend.
The next day, which was yesterday, we went for the lunch walk, and there were two dogs off leash. Chris first touched them, but then one and I got into a little fight. She held me back so I couldn't do anything, because she controlled my muzzle. But that dog bastard didn't want to get off me. Chris says his owner smelled like alcohol, but he at least reacted to her very strict words and finally left with his dogs. It took all of us a while to get settled, for sure, and Chris made sure I had no scars. I got a chewing bone to bite on to relieve my stress, and that was really great. And after the evening route Chris let me lie down with her on the balcony, and she petted me until I was relaxed.
Today it was warm and too sunny again, and then between the lunch and the evening route the friend left, and I saw the Cherry lady dog. We did have a little growl together, but I generally like her. Unfortunately, Cherry was out with the lady, Chris likes Cherry's man more. And now that the friend is gone it will be back to our usual routines. I also think we will go to work. Oof, that heat will torture me, because we will have to go out just before lunch.
Allright everybody, please keep your fingers crossed that Chris will find nice company soon and that no dog on this planet and no right sider on this earth will scare her anymore, Yours, Hapoo.


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