Tuesday, March 03, 2009

strange forks part two

The next morning Chris got up, took what she calls a quick shower and got ready. Petra was also awake, and when they were somewhat awake, they took me out for the Hapoo walk. Then they had an extensive breakfast session, before we all got into the car again. We ended up at the same building that we had spent hours inside yesterday. However, this time, we didn't go upstairs, but we stayed downstairs, walked into a huge office and were greeted by a kind old man. The humans had to wear signal jackets like I always do, and then we walked into an area they call the central store or so. That was really impressive. There were bicycles in that store thing, and cars and crates were running around. That was really new to me, so many cars running around in that store, stock thing, I had to take care that I wasn't run over. In the supermarket we can always stay on our left and walk along shelves, but here that wasn't possible. You know, there were loads of boxes up in the air, being taken somewhere, I don't know. And in the middle of al of this there was a speedy tower, a huge thing that was racing back and forth between the selves. It had a basket that it could move, spooky!
They walked and listened to the man's explanations, I watched the invisible car and box races, until we stopped at a vehicle I had not yet seen close by. It consists of only one seat, which doesn't have a stearing weel, but many easy to push buttons, a monitor like at the tiny tiny baby laptop Chris has at home, and a paper roll to print something on. Chris didn't move the thing, but she says it was good to get the chance to look at it. Above her there was something like a fence. The man said that was to prevent heavy crates or boxes from falling on the driver's head and killing him. On Chris' right side, as she was sitting up there, there was a rather high pole, and on the ground a super size fork with only four teeth. The man explained that this could go up and down on the pole, poke into those flying crates and. thus let them speed through the aisles. They call that thing a forklift. Strange fork, really strange!
Fortunately Chris climbed down without even moving that fork car thing by one inch, and we continued our walk. Finally, there was a magic turning table, where these crates and boxes were put on. And after that table had stopped turning, the whole thing was tightly wrapßped up in a plastic blanket foil, probably so it cannot catch cold. I am happy I didn't have to sit on that table, really.
Then after lunch I had the chance to relieve my stress, for Chris and Michael took me outside. He had taken over my leash for parts of the walk, so Chris could explore things better, but I didn't quite agree. However, now that I was let off the leash, I didn't mind him. We then walked back into the boring presentations room, I slept under the table until it was time to leave and off we went for yet another long long car ride, during which I stayed in the warm car all the time - didn't need to go out anyway. When we arrived, we were at work, where Chris let me run once again. Petra was really nice and took us home.
Home sweet home, I got my food, plopped down on my bed, only got up to follow Chris into the bedroom and then slept like there was no tomorrow.
Cheers, gotta run off to work, Hapoo.


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