Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The snowy new year - part two

Hi everybody:
Believe it or not, Chris has managed to grant me computer time before this year is over. I owe you the second part of our journey, so here it comes.
One evening we had somebody coming into the friend's apartment, someone I had never seen before. He first was sceptical when I barked to greet him, but pretty soon after he found out that I had the softest fur on earth, and that I love pets. From then on this new friend joined us on all Hapoo walks. and Chris and I walked with him. Once he even held my leash until I found out. And then Chris had to takke over from him, because I would not walk on the left side of the road anymore.
The following day started normally, but in the evening outside the noise started picking up. When it was slightly quieter, we went outside for a really early Hapoo walk, and I got my food very late that night. In between the walk and the fod the humans took care of themselves. They all sat around a pot and put tiny forks into it, on which they had put delicious meat and vegetables. Of course, I didn't get a single bite, only a carot the day before, thanks to the friend. the humans' meal took a long time, and from lamps and doors and handles paper was dangling down. I wonder what that's good for. I didn't trust it enough to play with it, it looked pretty flimsy - plus paper is nothing I would like to eat. Useless, if you ask me, especially since the next day it all was torn down again and put into trash bags. Excuse me, what a waste of time is that?
Well, that same night the noise outside picked up as the night progressed. The humans played a board game and talked, and soon the mom came over with a drink. They all stood up and said somethhing about a happy new year and hugged each other. Then the three others went ooutside into the noise. Chris says they created lots of it themselves and had great fun, but she doesn't like the sound of fireworks when they are extremely close. Neither do I, if she means the explosions by fireworks. I stayed with her and laid down by her feet to be close to her. She was talking on the phone with mom and wrote texts on the phone, of which she received a lot back herself, which again she answered.
When the noise outside and the random flashes in various shapes and colours got less, the humans came back inside. They said they were freezing, for it was really cold outside. Snow was on the ground, and one morning Chris had eve n let me run free to toss and play and jump and bark in the snow. You know that I love snow, right?
Chris soon went to sleep, and so did I, of course. When Chris woke up she was so nice to remember that I needed to go out. So she and the friend and friend's mom came and walked with me - what a relief! nd there were no more explosions outside, very relaxing for chris, and I didn't need to be all tensed up either. I am not scared of them, but I prefer the silent routine of the days, that's for sure.
The day was normal again in that Chris packed the bag and the Hapoo food, which meant that we would go home soon. We did, the friend of the friend took us to the train station in his car, and we went home. Chris was so tired that she decided to take a taxi. Chris was really tired, but she prepared for the next morning before the two of us finally settled in the bedroom.
O yes, and since then work has had us back. We went to work in the snow for two days, and I love running and playing in the empty space behind the office building. Chris praises the fact that she has me for her guide, for she just needs to hold on to the harness handle, and I take her through the snow safely right up to the entrance door, and the same back home. She just has to remind me to slow down when the ground is too slippery for her feet, for I want to runrunrun until I am where I am supposed to go. She says the colleagues with the canes have a much harder time finding their way in the snow that covers everything, and I am a really great help which makes her feel really relaxed.
Allright, yesterday I spotted an interesting animal in the bushes along the road, and I wanted to go there, but Chris kept me on track, of course. And today i wanted to go and find that animal again, but again Chris didn't let me. But in return she let me greet many people in the service center, and after she had had a quick word with Ilka, she called me over and told me I could ask Ilka for pets. I love Ilka, she is a fine person. In the afternoon even Max was allowed to stroke me, and afterwards Chris even permitted me to see my most favourite Petra, who was sitting next to him.
You see, it doesn't matter which year it is, my problems and pleasures are the same. Well, if the folks want to count things, let them have their pleasure, why not? Have a most wonderful time and a happy snowy new year, Yours, Hapoo.


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