The weekend adventures
The next two days were wonderful. Shadow and Chris and I went out - the first day we went to the city. As soon as we had arrived, Chris walked into a clothes store with us - as always when we go to the city with Shadow. She says he has a great taste and she loves buying clothes with him. In the middle of her juggling and struggling with shirts and hangers we all heart a really loud, penetrant noise. But since Chris remained calm, I patiently lay at the back of the tiny cabin and waited. A lady then apeared and said something I didn't quite understand, but Chris took my leash and we all walked out, she still wearing a shirt that wasn't hers. The noise continued and grew really loud, but I calmly walked beside Chris. The noise continued as we were outside, and soon a car arrived. The folks didn't say much, just went inside and fixed what there was to fix. When everything was quiet again, Chris put on her own shirt, bought what was there and we left. We stopped in a few other shops, and finally we ended up at the same old place again where we have been so often recently, the steak place where they bring me Hapoo water first thing before taking the humans' orders. Shadow liked the place, too, and when we were finally back home, Chris was a little tired. So was I, that's for sure.
There was no doubt, Chris was somewhat sad all the time, I just couldn't tell why. Well Shadow did not at all interact with me, he just all the time told me not to bother him, not to ask for pets, not to say hi, not to walk in his way. I didn't quite get it, hey Shadow, I am the same old Hapoo you used to beg meat from Chris for, so I could have a nice treat. You used to talk silly to me, you gave me my name after all! Allright, if you no longer want my company, then I can just as well stay out of your way - but there's a bother for everybody but Chris: I shed a lot of my fluffy beautiful black long Hapoo hair during this time of the year, and the hair is just about everywhere.
The next day after Shadow had gotten up and they had had breakfast, we took the city train to the beach place. We didn't walk to the beach, but we walked around a lot, the humans had fish, and then we returned and walked a long long way home - wonderful!
At night after some disturbance, they sat beside each other and watched TV - like it used to be. But no pretending, it just wasn't like it used to be. Shadow has ceased to exercise the job he was named after. O I am filling that spot with Chris. I surely have to protect her from evil tiny yappers and suspicious looking humans. O yes, I even look out for humans now, one never knows. But calm, I only point my nose at them and show them that I am highly alert, while I do surely snort at dogs fiercely, so they stay away. After all, I have to clear the path for my most loved Chris when I am not sleeping, dozing or eating.
The next morning was peaceful, and before I knew it Shadow had left, naturally without looking back at me, so I stayed on my mat and did not wave him goodbye.
For some reason the next day Chris didn't really feel good, though she was fairly calm. I even reminded her to cross the street on the way to work.
I think I have to give up thinking about what happened between the humans that weekend, I will not figure it oout anyway. He even took things with him and left a few with Chris. I think this is too complex of a human thing for my faithful woofer brain, so I'll stick to what happened next in my next mail, cheers, the speechless Hapoo.
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