Friday, September 24, 2010

long time no see...

Hello all friends and fellow furries:

It's been ages since Chris let me on the PC, I am so so sorry for her lack
of considderation and kindness. she says she is sorry, too, but she has just
gotten over intensive work and loads of reading ooks. Well if that's what
you call it ...

She spent most of her computer time in the office room making noise. She
took a book, placed it on a window, closed a lid on top of the book and then
ordered that machine to make loads of noise. In regular intervals she opened
the lid, messed around with the book and made noise again. She calls this
scanning, so she can later read the books. She must have loads of them, her
bookshelves are full, and on her desk and the dog food freezer there are

Well, of course in the meantime many things have happened, but I cannot
remember them all. once Micki arrived with a lady I didn't know, but the
lady was allright. She let me sniff her and also gave me pets. But when they
both left, Micki and Chris went into the basement to sort out my stored
food, and the lady took my leash and we waited outside. I was not sure this
was the right thing to do, so I was quite relieved Micki and Chris came back
outside and Chris went for a walk with me. Chris says the lady is the sister
with the little Rudi dog. Ah well, if that's she, then she should invite us
to her place again, so Rudi and I can play and run through the fields.

One other morning I spotted a cat and wanted to take off after it, but Chris
held on tight to the flexible leash and scared me mighty with her voice.
hmmm, i suppose that cat chasing effort wasn't a particularly excellent
The other time I found a stick, picked it up and thought Chris would play
with me, but she didn't notice I had it with me. So I put it right in front
of the entrance door, because I know sticks aren't supposed to go inside the
house. When we left the house through the same door, she found it and had a
big smile on her face.

Then the past two days at work were interesting. We started off normal, but
then a lady arrived. She first said hi to Chris, and then she and I looked
at each other. I wasn't sure what to think about her, but when Chris told me
to say hi, I did and she was allright with me, and I was with her. We then
went into one of the rooms where we don't go too often. It was just the
three of us, and the humans had coffee and sweets. And then came a lot of
human talking. They claim they worked, but they also laughed a lot.

When we finally left the room, Chris took her small phone to its place, and
then we left for the car parking area, where she let me run and play. But
the lady did not want to play with me. Then we went into her, the lady's,
car, and went to somewhere I have no idea. We took an elevator and ennded up
in a restaurant high above the city. We were given a table which had Chris'
name somehow connected to it. They both liked it, as it had a lot of space
for me to lie, and it also had a bowl of water waiting for me - how cool!
The ladies had champaign or so, and then they went back and forth between a
bufet and the table, leaving me waiting at the table. They say it was a
wonderful experience, because they picked up their ingrediences and the
chefs fried them for them and took them back to the table for the ladies to
enjoy. The talking and laughing continued, and finally we went back home.

Yesterday things continued the same way. First we, Chris and I, went to
work, and later the lady joined us. The two talked on the phone, and Daniel
also came to say hi - hhow cool. And after the phone talk Chris took me
outside to the car parking area, and then we went into the separate room
again. After a while the boss joined us and they all talked. And shortly
after the boss left, the ladies got up, too, and said goodbye. i think I
love the lady. Chris says that she will be her new second boss, which is
cool. We will meet her again in two weeks, and also a lot of other folks.

The weather was great, Chris says, so we went home, she worked some more,
and afterwards she sat on the balcony and slept there a little, like she
used to do in the great heat of the summer.

I love my life, it is wonderful for sure. Yesterday Chris did something
else. She brought out a huge bowl of water that didn't smell like dog water.
Then she took a stick with a cloth at its lower end, and made it swirl all
around the floor. And where it had gone, there was the smelly water on the
ground. Then she changed the cloth on the stick and dried up most of the
water again. She calls that cleaning. Well if I want to clean something, I
simply use my tongue!

Cheers, Quito.


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