Sunday, October 19, 2003

Hi friends:
Shadow finally, finally kicked Chris in the back side, so she lets me use her computer to continue my blog.
I don't know what happened to her, but lately she only wanted it for herself - shame on her! It's unfair, for I would have so many things to tell you!
Did you know, for example, that Shadow was here a week ago? We went to pick him up and waited for him in a bakery store. Same old thing, Chris ate something and made me sleep under the table. But she did not mind me getting up when Shadow arrived. I did not bark, I just waved my tale and waited for his greeting pet. But of course, what do you expect when Chris is so happy to see him? Her joy is mine, and her anger, at least when I cause it, is my pain!
The train ride to see Shadow was a little different though: Chris usually sits somewhere quietly and waits till it is time to get off. This time in both trains she found people to talk to. It must have been particularly interesting on the second train. I just gathered that she had a conversation with somebody who worked with the soldiers. Don't ask me anything about soldiers, I don't even know what makes them different from other people.
At sister's wedding a long time ago there was another man Chris called soldier, but he was nice and even took care of me while Chris was busy playing music. I didn't smell anything different on him than on any other person.
Of course, non of the people smells as familiar as Chris, or maybe mom, and Shadow, when he is there.

Something else was different: On the way back home Shadow is usually tired and falls asleep after he as chatted a bit with Chris. This time he was full of stories and kept on talking. Chris did not mind, she enjoyed listening. And then we did not go straight home, but they first took me to a Greek restaurant, had loads of smelly food, gave me a bowl of water, and then we went home. And there everything was the same as always - Chris walked me while Shadow relaxed, they had a bit to eat and then soon Shadow got tired.
And I will tell you the rest as soon as Chris lets me use her keyboard, that is a promise, yours, Hapoo.


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