Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Hi folks:
I have a hard time keeping all my events updated, because Chris never lets me use the computer
Anyway, here's another story. About a week ago mom and Chris took me to a movie theater, cool thing. First we went grocery shopping, and then we went to the theater. First they sat on rather high chairs, had coffee and talked. Then we went into a medium size room. Our seats were pretty much in the back, Chris had hers near the aisle. She put me under her seat. Not really comfortabl, but what can you do, if you're pushed and turned until you are where she wants you to be. I wonder, does she do the same thing with you, Shadow?
Chris had popcorn, some of it fell on the ground, and she permitted that I pick it up - the floor was really clean, so she thought I could as well have what I could reach - not what fell behind my head; fair compromise, I agree.
Mom and Chris did not move from their chairs until no more voices and musec were heard from the front; then she put the harness on me and praised me a lot.
She says that somebody was saying after I got out from under her seat: "O, I didn't know we had a dog watching as well!"
And then I immediately found the exit, though I had never been to that place before. Isn't that just wonderful, when Chris praises me? Well most of the readers who don't know Chris don't know that, but she can pet nicely, play, cheer me up with her voice, and every now and then she will take the magic box from her handbag and offer me a yummy treat out of it.
There you are, and next time I will tell you about another dog and huge animals.


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