Saturday, May 17, 2008

The second tennis day

Allright, Chris fell asleep almost immediately and woke up after the
wonderful boss of hers in the morning. When they both were dressed, the
boss took me out to walk towards the car. She says I pull a lot - well
of course, I want to see how far I can stretch her limit of tolerance,
right? But generally I was a good girl, that's for sure. And the walk
towards the car wasn't too far either. But when we went home, I pulled
even more, of course.
The ladies cleaned the room and packed everything, and then checked out.
Ilka says the receptionist lady wasn't at all friendly. Then we walked
through the train station again to find breakfast, of course, only for
the humans.I got a few Hapoo treats for breakfast and dinner, and that
was it all. Chris says I can live with just a bit of food for a day - I
think I can live with much more food each day. But maybe that isn't so
good for my leg and my attitude towards high jumping - well well.

Apparently the navigation thing that tells them where to go didn't want
to talk to them, so Ilka found the way anyway, and we blocked the entire
street with ours and many other cars, to get to the parking spot. There
Chris found out that this was the VIP section, but the man remembered us
and told us we could stay there. I now who's the VIP - me, of cours,
although I am not a Pog!

Then we walked along the street for me to do my business andthen back
into the tennis craze. But first of all it was shopping time for the
ladies. Apparently Chris bought herself cups like she always does, and
Ilka bought something else, and then they bought more clothes for Chris.
Shopping for clothes is something Chris falls into every now and then,
only to tell the world that she has no more money - only to go shopping
some time later again. Maybe the money has rebuilt in her pocket???

Well first we were at the big court, and the wonderful weelchair friend
gave me a Hapoo treat. They saythe match was great, but then they needed
a break. We went to another side court again, because we were waiting
for the tennis man there. Before him, however, there were four others on
the court, and Ilka loved watching them play. After that match we
climbed over benches. Chris must have been afraid to let me do that on
my own, so she carried me, until I got the chance to prove that I am
aware of what to do. I climbed down professionally, I surely did not
jump! And of course, everybody admired me for being so clever. We
finally were at the very front row to watch the tennis man, when
somebody said he would not appear. Too bad, but we went to the other
court instead, to the big one, where we saw one of Chris' spaniards win
over the German guy. The others had fun telling Chris that she supported
the wrong side, but she thinks it wasn't the wrong side.

After that match we left and got into the car, after I had had time to
do my business. It took a while until we were on the highway, because
there were so so many cars everywhere.

By now Chris had gotten a huge sun burn on her shouldrs, but she says
this is the sacrifice you have to deal with when you don't want to watch
a single match, and you forgot to bring sun blockers. Well I have my fur
to do that job, need no sun blocker.
Ilka says she loved these two days, and we should all go agai next year
- maybe with mom and Ilka's son. O yeah, then I always have somebody to
pet me. But I have to admit I liked it when we were back at home. Being
home is neverb bad, no matter how wonderful the trip.

And now it is back to daily routine - work in the morning, be lazy in
the evening. Chris says from next week she is off work, so we cn be even
lazier. Allright, no probs. But for now I have got to finish, she needs
to shut down the PC, yours, Hapoo.


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