Saturday, August 22, 2009

A night out

Hi everybody:
You know how it is, when Chris and her friend Silke meet, they spontaneously decide to go out and meet that same night. That very thing happened one of the last week
s afternoons, and at night the friend picked us up. We first went to her place, where I heard another dog barking inside, but the dog wasn't let out. I just was transferred to Silke's car, for she had driven another one home. Then we rode for a while, until we got off at a place I don't recall having been to. The walk, however, was nice, and it ended on the beach. Of course, I didn't go into the water, and I wasn't let off the leash at first. But when I was, it was fantastic, and we all walked or jumped along the shore.
Chris put me back on my leash, and then I spotted a tiny tiny dog. When Chris found out that he was nice, she let me play with him. His owner didn't mind, and so Silke took a bath in that moving salt water, while Chris sat on a stone and enuoyed the night, every now and then receiving a visit from one of us dogs. when Silke came back, I was put back on leash, and we walked on, the tiny dog following us, until his owner came and picked him up. I wanted to sniff some more, but Silke said we had to hurry, so we could leave the forrest before it got completely dark.
O that walk outside was funfunfun, and Chris later remembered that she and I had been at that part of the shore about a year and a bit more before, with Ilka the great friend, who has said in a phone call before that she misses my charming demand for her pets.
The ladies and I then got into the car, and we rode for yet another while. They tried to decide where to go eat, and finally we ended up at the place we have been to quite often in the city center. There they had delicious food, and they talked forever. I was really happy when I was served a fairly nice bowl of water, which I think I finished till the last drop. It was really late when we came home, but I didn't care, for the night had been really nice.
Cheers for this moment, another story will follow soon, cheers, Hapoo.


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