Thursday, May 06, 2010

The mystery box

Hey, she finally got it!

Sometimes you've got to wonder why Chris takes so long to figure something
out. Just now she has realised what I look at after I come for cuddles.

Beside her computer and relaxation chair there is a table, where she usually
puts her food and her coffee. On a lower deck of that there is the computer
and many more things. But beside the coffee cup there is also the mystery

The computer has one, too, but that just flickers and shows lights and

That mystery box, however, holds varying secrets. Sometimes I see a cat
inside, or a dog, or birds. Mostly there are people talking or doing strange

When I smell the box, it always smells the same, and Chris can make all the
creatures disappear with a magic touch. I really try hard to look at the
people, but they all smell the same and don#t seem to take any notice of
me - boring.

I have also caught a glimpse of fast flying balls which are fetched by
humans in a strange way, but I will have to explore that more in ordr to be
able to report better.

Have a good day, I will remind Chris now that it is time to go to work,


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