About hair in general:
This is another strange item to discuss. The major difference between human and dogs is that dogs show all of their hair, and humans just show parts.
I have found out that people categorize dogs, as they categorize every other thing or being they discover. Hoverwarts like me can have any colour of hair from black to blonde. Of course, I for example have brown shoes and fortune eyes, but for the main part I am black all over my body.
Humans only show the hair on their head or in their face. Theirs also varies in colour, from black to white. They dress it differently and go to hairdressers that are specialized on cutting drying and even putting colour in hair. Chris has never coloured her hair as long as I am there, and I have only been to a hairdresser’s shop once, accompanying Shadow. Chris had spent her time drinking coffee. She has rather long hair she rarely wears loose. She always keeps it back with a hair band. Shadow has short curly hair.
Then there appears to be hair on human bodies, but they cover it with all kinds of fabric in various shapes, cuts and colours. Chris wears trousers and shirts in winter, but in summer she wears dresses. Men don’t wear dresses, but women wear trousers, isn’t that strange? And what if people gave us dogs something to wear in winter? But they never get that idea!
People comb their hair and don’t even think for a moment that putting their heads into the cold snow would clean hair as nicely as washing it. I love turning around and around in the deep snow, thus getting rid of insects and cleaning my hair much better than it is cleaned when Chris brushes it.
Finally dogs change their hair according to the seasons, people don’t. They only change their clothes, which might have replaced their hair. But I can’t stop laughing if I imagine Chris all hairy! Really, that’s too funny. And with this little smile on my face I am finishing my views on hair and preparing for a long shopping trip tomorrow, yours, Hapoo.
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