Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hi all:
Well here are a few comments on what you wonderful folks have left for me to read.
First of all, Shadow, well at least I bark both German and English, and you can only say haphap and Hapoo, did you have to do this? of course I had to, otherwise I wouldn't have, you smart Shadow you! Besides, you can kiss Chris all the time, what's the problem if I try to kiss you once in a while? You should just watch out for your hand if you don't like my licks
Well who was is that said he was looking for a blog of a show dog? You're right on man, I *am* a show dog, I love showing off my beautiful self, my cool handler and my extremely great guiding abilities! I can follow somebody through a supermarket, I can keep Chris clear of obstacles, both moving and stationary, I can bring her her slippers when we get home, I can get my own signal jacket when we want to go out, I can find my collar, and I can find mom. I could eat all the food available in the entire house, but Chris says that's nothing to show off and I should keep my teeth and nose to myself and not get into trouble.
David, I have asked Chris about eating my Hapoo food. She says she things canned food is disgusting, and so are my moist Hapoo treats. But I have occasionally seen her chew a piece of my own kibble. She says it is not as bad as folks might think, but it isn't exactly a yummy lunch either. So there ya go, that's what you're feeding me, second choice! I'll walk you through a deep puddle next time I find one for a revenge! But Chris, don't dare splash that water on me, you hear me? If you want to, you better buy me a raincoat (o sorry I already have one) and Hapoo shoes!
Talking about shoes, Chris has one shelf full of them, and she has non for me, anybody thinks that's fair to a lady like me and my beautiful self should reconsidder.
And Chris says she likes David's blog with the duck very much. She says tiny ducks are the kind of little birds I love to chase - would you let me chase your duc, David, please? Or should we let it grow up and then fry it and have a Christmas fiest? Can I have the neck then? And Chris also says she'll read the other blog she was invited to join, there ya go, she is a nice one after all.
And me, I'll go and leave the computer to her fingers again ze loffly Hapoo.


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