Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A strange trip

Hi everybody:
I told you, we did a lot in three days, so here's what came next - and I
tell you that I've never done anything similar before.

The morning of that day was uneventful - I had gotten a sleeping place
in a kitchen that was no good for scavenging. I mean there were all
kinds of good smells, but I couldn't get paws or teeth on them. So I
slept there without the chance of getting in trouble. In the morning I
was let out to play with my buddy, and then back inside and so on.
Finally I noticed Chris was running around. And when she got dressed and
took out my harness, I knew we were heading for some place very soon.

When the doorbell rang, Chris was just putting on my signal jacket, so I
didn't dare to bark loud, like I always do. Instead I walked to the door
on leash in my best manner possible. And when Chris opened the door, I
saw a man I can't remember having seen. But Chris tells me I once saw
him at the time when both Shadow and I were very new in her life. I
hopped into the car - another big comfy one - and looked out of the
window. O and then we never left the car for a long long time! We drove
and drove to escape the rain, as the driver explained to Chris, but we
never really managed. And while we were going along, Chris and the
driver talked and talked. We once got out of the car to take a little
walk, but then they didn't seem to like the place, so we drove on for
another bit. And when we got off the car then, we walked until we
discovered a place to sit and where the humans could have cake and
coffee. I got a bowl of water, and I finished it in one go and then took
a nap under that bench. Then we took another walk, and then another long
long car journey. I mean it's allright to go by car for long, but I am
just wondering what this was all for - just for coffee? Humans can
indeed be strange!

We arrived at the sister's place, but only her husband was there. Chris
and the driver said goodbye, and then he drove off. I just went into the
house - and when the sister was back not long after, I played with my

The next day the only thing we did was go shopping, and I was allowed
into the store without any problem. Chris says I did a good job. And I
really loved working again! I didn't sniff anybody or anything, but I
was a good girl and held my tail high <wagwagwag>

In the afternon I played with the buddy woofer again, but during play I
bit Chris' arm, which she didn't like at all. She told me to be careful
or else she'd quit playing. And then I am jealous of my buddy when Chris
pets him and not me. He always blocks me out when he wants a pet! I
don't think that's fair, so I jump around them and barkbarkbark. Chris
isn't stupid, so this morning she told my friend to sit and stretched
out a hand to pet me. And she has blocked him from bothering me a few
times, too. That's cool, because after all Chris is my person. But it
looks like my buddy likes her, too, because he keeps coming and asking
for pets.

I was also let out into the grassy area, where I tossed and barked for
pleasure. I love grass for tossing and jumping, sniffing and digging!
I'm not supposed to dig there, but I can do the rest!

Well that's all for now, but I'll make sure I keep you all updated,
cheers, Hapoo.


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