Somethings are going wrong here
Hi all:
Today something is going to happen, I am pretty sure. I cannot point my
nose at it, but something is wrong with Chris. So I am all tensed up and
bark at anything I hear. If it has to do with Chris leaving, I will race
to keep her with me, promise! Anybody coming to help me? But I think she
has too strong of a mind on her own, she'll go anyway, if that is her
plan. But as I said, I have no idea what is really going to go on. She
has cleaed all the house yesterday, and mom is continuing the job today.
She works in the kitchen a lot, my Chris, listening to the Music Man's
Yeah, the music man is bringing his noise makers when he comes, so I
won't be allowed to come see him with Chris. And that means I won't get
pets from him <woof>
Allright, off to lie at my watching place behind Chris' chair, head
towards the door, but kitchen within sight, cheers, Hapoo the watch dog.
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