shopping again
Hi everybody:
Our bags are packed, and I can accompany Chris on a journey, that much is certain.
However, two days ago mom arrived, and we went to the ophtalmologist's office, where the nurses gave me loads of pets, and even the doctor lady said hi. I love that place, because everybody is so friendly there, and they all are very aware of me upcoming retirement, whatever that is going to be when it arrives.
After that we went grocery shopping, and then we walked to a building with loads of kids inside. A lady said there were no dogs allowed, but a man said guide dogs were an exception. We walked into another building with equally many kids, ad after a long wait the niece arrived, and we took the streetcar to the city. There the ladies all had sandwiches, Chris and I went to the hairdresser's, where she relaxed while a lady messed around with her hair. I think it is like a good gentle grooming session for me, which is really relaxing. Finally that was done, and we walked along the shopping street to the bank and then to the streetcar. Then we walked to the vet's office, where I saw two dogs, two cats and guinea pigs. We were in the doctor's office briefly, because Chris needed something written inside my ID. Then we left and the ladies took us home. O I was really tired, believe me.
Then yesterday the sister arrived, and we went to the furniture store. There the ladies sat and talked forever, and then it was shopping time. We had a really large car, and they put two large boxes inside, and heavy they were, too.
At night Chris took care of my fur and nails, packed her bags and then cleaned herself. This is a sign for a great trip with me, since my food also was packed. I will tell you all about it when we are back - whenever that'll be.
Cheers, Hapoo.
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