Sunday, June 06, 2010

the long silence

Hello everybody:

I haven't posted for such a long time, because Chris has discovered that the
mystery box is a good passtime. Out of the mystery box they have been
hitting balls day and night, or so it feels at least. And that's what she
calls holidays!

Allright, we did not have to go to work, but Chris played with me, and we
took it easy otherwise. One time last week mom and the niece and the little
Gorki dog were here, I like all of them. The niece took me outside, and we
ran and ran and played with each other, it was fantastic. Mom had brought
flowers and a few fruits for Chris, and they all seemed to have enjoyed the
afternoon. They also watched the flying balls they call tennis. It appears
that mom and Chris are both fans of the Rafa man, whose voice I surely
recognize by now. She is crazy, she also knows the people who announce the
scores, and she has her favourites among them, too.

Well anyway, I know that I got a good load of food delivered, but only a few
packages of training treats made it upstairs. The rest is hidden somewhere I
have not yet discovered.

Then also Chris received a package while Rafa was playing in the mystery
box. I was not allowed to sniff or lick it. She says it is a box that can
connect with invisible signals from the sky they call satellites. The next
morning we took it on its first outing. The boxs was in Chris' hand, so to
receive enough secret messages, and from her shoulder she received
directions, which she communicated to me. I guided her safely, even when she
was lost. I sensed that, and so I took the lead. i really loved being out
and about and taking over, my tail was up in the air for sure.

And when we arrived at the staircase, the new device told us so with Chris'
voice, and she was surely happy. I think she was also happy about how I
displayed my abilities, because she petted me lots and was really relieved.
I can feel what she is feeling very well, and I think I like her a lot.

I even come for cuddles and snuggles. I love hiding my muzzle between her
legs or in her hands or elsewhere in a mold. I have also discovered the
licking game. First I sniff, and then all of a sudden I bring out a huge
tongue slam. It is especially funny when we wrestle on my bed and I hide my
head between her neck and shoulder. When I lick she laughs and relieses my
muzzle and we can wrestle on.

However, I think very soon we will be going back to work, for the writing
device has been put into the backpack, and I think soon the coffee mug will
follow. And then the bell will go back on the collar, so she can let me run
free in the parking lot. But I don't know who will win the final game of
tennis, Rafa looks good, so Chris says.
Cheers, Quito.


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