Sunday, November 07, 2010

another update before we leave

Hi everyone:

What does it mean when Chris loads a bag full of my food, doesn't feed me
but puts it in another huge box called suitcase? It means that I am going
somewhere. Where that is, I don't know. Chris says first I will meet with my
buddy Rudi briefly, but then we are going to somebody she calls ilka in
Spain. In Spani is a funny name. Anyway, it looks like we are headding for
more adventures, and I really love adventures.
The last few days were pretty quiet. I played with chris, she worked on her
computer from home, and she also slept a lot. She brushed my fur and treated
me with a few bones. I like bones, that's for sure.
I think Chris is going to be busy with the box she calls suitcase some more,
and then we'll see what the adventure holds.
Cheers for the moment, and keep waiting for great stories, Quito.


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