Finally, finally!
Hey everybody:
The weather has changed here. Whenever we go outside it rains like mad. But
Chris says that isn't all that bad, because it is not snowing and the
temperatures are fairly mild.
these past few days were simply great. We did a lot of things with various
people. One night we went to have food with Silke, and at the weekend we did
so again. We went to the place the call villa during the day. Interesting,
if you ask me, because we usually go there at night. They sat under a heater
that was set up above their table, and they enjoyed the cozy heat. they ate
a lot, while I lay at the beginning of the table, watching what was going
on, until Chris moved me out of the way. But of course, I returned to my
fviewpoint spot and made sure nothing escaped my looks.
After we had returned home, we both relaxed a little, and then Chris started
to talk on the telephone. In most cases I only hear her talking, and what
the one at her ear says escapes me. But I figured out it was a good friend
of hers, one of those I don't know yet. they talked for four hours, can you
believe it? Four hours, and then Chris collapsed and slept in bed. Really,
it is amazing how much humans have to talk with each other. If I stopped to
see if I could talk with a dog, she sould not be amused, I am sure.
Then work started, and Chris was alone with me in our quiet corner. The
second quiet day we left early, because she was not feeling well. She says
sometimes mild and windy weather gets to her head and she needs to sleep
sleep sleep. She surely did, and the next morning had a lot of coffee,
before we were picked up for Spanish class.
That same aternoon Micki arrived, and I had so much fun saying hi to her. We
went into the shopping center for food, and they returned with a lot of
items from there. Then Chris gave Micki a suitcase of hers, and then Micki
left. I really don't like it when Micki leaves, but I had to go to my place
and let her go.
Well yesterday was another great day. We went to work early in the morning,
and before work I was allowed to go run a little. Chris says it didn't
matter, because I was already wet. After lunch I was wet again, and Chris
had to rub me dry. Then we stayed at work forever, and chris says she got a
lot done. Then she got a call and we went downstairs, where we met the
sister Suse.
Suse is loads of fun. We play and I try to jump up on her, and we really
have a ball. I had water from the puddles, and then was put in the back of
Mickis car. We drove to one store but did not uy anything. then came the
second store, and they stuffed a carpet into the car. then we went to the
furniture store, where they looked at carpets again. They bought one, had
ice-cream, and chris strictly opposed to Suse giving me the end of her cone.
She says we are not starting on that habbit - oof! Well that carpet, too was
put in the car and then we were back home. The huge one did not leave the
car with us, but it went with Suse. Chris says it is for Micki, and Micki
doesn't know what the plan is.
The plan is to take Micki on the journey with me and Chris, and when she
returns, the carpet is put out in her livingroom by the great Suse. Cool,
eh? And the small carpet is to be put up behind our couch. Chris says that
will not only look pretty but also help improve the acoustics in the room.
Whatever, I have no idea. It is no food, no pets, no dogs and no play, so I
am out of that talk.
O boy, I was surely tired when we were back at home - and hungry!
I'll see what else I can tell you about the next few days, because I don't
yet know what will happen, and when we are going on the journey.
Cheers for now, Quito.
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