She's behaving ...
Hi everybody:
Generally, last week was an easy one. Chris spent Sunday lying on the
couch. Monday Micki came to work. When I spotted her, I ran to greet
her, but Chris called me back to my place <oof> However, when I was
permitted to go, I rann like a rocket, jumped up on Micki, played tug
with my leash and had Micki take me to the couch corner, where we waited
for Chris to finish work. Then we went shopping, and it took a while
until I calmed down and stopped sniffing shelves and people. But by the
end of the shopping trip I was really tired and even lay down while we
were waiting in line to have our items in the basket checked.
The next day in the morning I heard my favourite boss speaking and
greeting us, and wanted to run to greet him. Chris, however, insisted I
go to my place. She took off my harness and then let me run to greet him
- and I ran top speed to say hi. After a while Chris called me back, and
things were back to normal. We all went into the cafeteria, where
various people held speeches and I was llying under the table, so nobody
would step on my paws or tale. And then things were back to normal.
Chrs started cleaning her apartment, because the next day the boss came
to visit, and brought his dog Gina with him. She's a cool old lady. She
doesn't want to play much anymore, but she is kind and easy-going. I
tried to get her to play a little, but when I was reminded the second
time to go on my bed, I stayed there, while Gina lay down by the balcony
door. The humans disappeared in the kitchen - the no dog zone - had
dinner and then finally moved over to the couch, where they talked some
more and occasionally petted the two ofus woofs. But of course, we got
no human food.
Well, there is one strange thing about Chris recently. While she never
forgets to take care of me, she recently has started to look after her
mobile phone. It is to stay with or near her all the time, so she
doesn't miss calls or text messages or whatever. And at night, when we
are going to sleep, at one point at night a text message will arrive.
Then she will wake up, grab the phone, and then it's talk time with a
man. She insists I have never seen him - allright, but then why does she
talk to him so much when I have not yet approved his company? Is this
yet another Chris is the master thing, where I am not asked anyway? But
what if he ddoesn't like me or her?
Chris doesn't seem to believe that is the case. When she talks she is
relaxed and in a good mood, smiles like the sun and is only ears and
voice. And when a text message arrives during the day, she also smiles
and is happy. I have never seen her in such good mood, and I wonder why
this is. And why can a telephone become so important all of a sudden?
She laughs, is an energy booster, higs me more often than usual, and I
can play and jump when we go outside. I really love it when she is in
such mood. And if it has to do with the secret voice from the telephone,
then I hope iit will always be in the telephone, never disappear or tell
her bad words. And if it should ever happen to walk out of the phone and
meet the two of us, then I think I'll make sure I am still the one who
cares for Chris, and not the man behind the voice. Or so II think,
because it is clear that Chris has a mind of her own and will put us all
in place. And if she thinks the voice can also give me commands, then
I'd better obey, I think. Or maybe the voice is a cool play-mate like
Daniel, and I can jump and give my tongue a bit of rotation exercise -
now that'd be cool - or take long walks and have fun!
Please, voice, can we do that, when you happen to become a real person,
which Chris insists you are?
O those phones and TVs and music boxes are weird things!
Cheers, Quito.
P.s.: Voice, have you ever heard me barking? After all, you should know
me, too!
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