We have become quieter
Hi again:
Okay, the busy has stopped, or shall I say paused?
Chris has been watching sports all the time, from morning till night.
And at one time, she says it was the opening ceremony, she sat in her
armchair, Daniel on Wheels on the phone, and he described to her what
she couldn't see. She says it's been great. The ceremony I have no idea
about, I think I don't even know what a ceremony is. I went to sleep and
waited for Chris to call me to go to the bedroom.
Apart from that she has finally found that there was a small injury n my
tail. It wasn't so pleasant, and I bit it, too, so she prevented me from
biting by using a stinky, bitter spray, of which she claims it is good
for me - hahaha!
However, it doesn't hurt so much anymore, I must admit, and Chris says
it really looks good now.
It's true, I shed like a monster, and if Chris wasn't so lazy, she would
vacuum the apartment at least three times each day.
She did vacuum more than usual, and then she relaxed. The weather has
gotten somewhat cooler, so she couldn't stay out on the balcony all day.
You really don't know whether to lose or keep your hair, it's strange
this time. Winter is easy, it's co,d it's cold. But Chris doesn't like
it, for she doesn't like the snow.
Allright, I could tell you more and more, but she says she has to shut
down the PC and get ready for work. Have a good day then, cheers, Quito.
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