A short lot of update
Hi all:
Well you know, we went to this place again where Chris has a job every
now and then. She sits in a comfy chair, has me lie down beside her and
then starts talking in English, the language I had to learn in the long
hours spent with Shadow. And others try to imitate her. Funny, eh?
She loves that place, she says it is really relaxing and enjoyable. She
was also very proud of herself for having found the Hapoo route we
usually walk. The route isn't all that long, but we walked it four times
each day - nice, eh?
We returned after a week and found out that the tiny dog was improving
from the time we arrived. Chris is responsible for his food, she says
mom would have spoiled him rotten and fat, and she cannot do that to
sister. So every morning she loads his bowl with tiny dog food - I get
different food than him. But mom takes him for walks, and he follows her
everywhere. He also begs for food, which Chris hates, but I am nice and
let him have water from my bowl, too.
Just a day after we had arrived back home, the friend arrived and stayed
with us. I really like the friend, for she accompanies us for every
Hapoo walk, no matter what the weather is like. And when I tried to run
after a cat, friend offered Chris support so I couldn't drag her along.
Too bad, don't you agree?
Finally, I do think Chris really attempted to take me over to see Shadow
this time. But she says my vaxination (that injection thing from the
vet) and the blood test didn't work out as far as the flight time was
concerned, and she couldn't postpone that, either. Why is it so
complicated for me to travel over to see Shadow, when Chris never has to
send in any blood? Do folks really think I don't clean myself? Well I
don't, but Chris does, and she'd even bathe me, I am sure!
I am quite annoyed about this blood mess that prevents me from going
with Chris, but then again I get to go to the Hapoo kennels, and I am
sure that I can charm the owners so that they grand me the freedom to
roam and guard the premices, like I am supposed to do. I sometimes don't
even wear a collar, and I surely behave well. They say even though the
doors are opened I never run far. Why would I, when near there are
humans, dogs and Hapoo food? It's holidays for me, as well, but I'm
certainly madly happy when Chris or mom comes to pick me up.
Allright, have a good one everybody, I am leaving you for tonight. Just
let me make all the woofers jealous by telling you that this afternoon I
received a lovely pig food for food, and that was really yummy!
Cheers, Hapoo.