Friday, November 28, 2008

the past week

Hello everybody:
Well this past week has been fairly quiet and regular, despite the fact that Chris did a few things she has not done in ages. She cleaned up her kitchen, washed coats and curtains and browzed the internet quite a lot. She also found her backgamon game, which she likes to play every now and then.
But thenk she has also brushed me thoroughly in two sessions. The grooming session began on Monday, when she clipped my nails and shortened the fur at the back of my legs and between the toes. She says the snow always gathers in huge clumbs around the long leg fur and between my toes, so after a while I cannot walk well anymore. Quite true but not bad if she gives me time to lick them loose every now and then. She says that's not what she needs when we are out walking to work. Allright, I don't mind, for then no salt can gather between my toes, either.
After that pedicure Chris brought out the fine comb and brushed me. She did that in a very relaxed manner, which I loved nd enjoyed. She left me alone for the rest of the day, but on Tuesday she remembered the other tool, the soft brush, which collects all loose hair off me. I loved that treatment, for afterwards Chris gave me millions of cuddles, because to her I felt so fluffy nd soft. I felt the same as always, but of course, I loved the extra pets.
Then she took the guitar down from the top of the shelf, but she said she could not play it, because one string was damaged. So she took down the other and played a little. Yesterday, when mom came, I was made to go to my mat, and I was only allowed to come back when I was quiet. I tried to sing my loudest song to mom, but Chris wouldn't let me. Hey, do I always interfeer in your matters, precious lady? Well, beware, you'd better listen to Chris <sigh>
We went out with mom, and I even had the chance to show off my guiding skills, I raced Chris to the streetcar and was very alert generally. But one time we passed by another dog very very closely, and I had to, just had to snarl at it. Chris was not at all amused. Well, I have my dog friends and my not so dog friends, too. For example, I like the little one that lives in our house - not the white Shepherd, but the tiny bouncer. When he comes to greet me, I don't say a word, he's just fun.
With mom we went into a store that was packed with musical instruments, but Chris didn't like it there. She bought guitar strings, had  short conversation with a man and left. Both mom and she agreed that the man didn't know much of what he was talking about. Then it was clothes shopping time, which I enjoyed, because I lay in such a way that I could see both mom and Chris. When I got bored of lying down I got up and walked to mom to see if she could give me pets. She could, but Chris sent me back to lie down - I did reluctantly, I have to admit.
Then we walked along the street - it is always packed around Christmas - packed with booths and stands, where people mainly sell food and drinks and all that. The ladies bought themselves sweets, and then they went to meet up with a lady. Then we went into another store packed with instruments, but Chris got hold of a man who immediately knew what she was thinking to buy. He showed her a kind of piano, but when she played it there was no sound. When she plays at mom's house, I come to make her stop, but this time at the stranger's place I lay down and watched as they were both playing and talking. When we finally left, both ladies were impressed and very happy. They had some food, ad then we left for home. I loved it that mom stayed over night, but I was well-mannered and did not sing to her during the night. Then started the usual routine of major shopping, and i think soon enough we will be going back to work. That'll be really nice again.
Allright, tiime to take a well-deserved nap, Yours, Hapoo.

Monday, November 24, 2008

back home again

Well, when you have come home after quite a journey, you always have something to tell.
First about the rest of the days at that hotel thing. I have decided that Carmen, the other dog, was not worth barking at. I only growled softly twice under the table, but apart from that remained fairly calm, maybe due to the fact that whenever Carmen had to pass us Chris put her hand down and softly placed it on my shoulder or near it. We went on nice Hapoo walks, and I was even allowed to run off leash a few times. Once we even took a lady with us, who was impressed by my semi-guiding, even on leash. We went out in bad weather twice, but that one time I had enough and made Chris return by dragging my feet and turning myself around towards home. For me the time apart from the walks meant sleeping or napping or watching and listening out for what the others did. They had food, talked or read, and when we were upstairs in our room, Chris watched TV or prepared the other lessons.
Chris says the group was wonderful, and teaching them was fun. They worked well, and after some reluctance even accepted the final chalenge of writing up something in English on their own. The ladies were nice and were allowed an occasional pet, one man was there, and he was nice, too, and the other man was afraid of us woofers. The hotel crew spoiled all of the humans, for spoiling us woofers is only up to our individual humans. Chris did well this time, for she had brought yummy chews for me.
Finally the time at the hotel was up, and one lady took us to a train station. Just before we boarded the train, it started to rain or snow quite heavily, and Chris pittied the lady who had to walk back to her car. We went to the main train station, where Chris bought herself a tiny piece of cake, and then the train was delayed. I didn't mind, for the train was nice and warm, and I had a lady sitting oposite me who had a dog at her own home. Chris says I did perfectly well getting off the trains with their high dangerous stairs. O yes, I have to wait for her command to jump out, for you cannot climb out, that would be too dangerous for the claws. We took yet another train, and then saw the good friend and her mom, who picked us up, so we went to their home by bus. I like that friend's home, nd Chris always says she can relax so well there. We stayed until yesterday, and when I recognized we were back, I started to run happily along the route we usually walk. It is so good to be home, and I hope soon i will get to see mom, too.
O by the way, I have to mention that snow came my way, and while we were with the friend, Chris let me off leash for a little while, so I could romp and dance and turn and run in the fresh, clean white snow. It even followed me home, but here I cannot run loose, for there are too many dogs here.
Have a good time everybody and wonderful winter, cheers, Hapoo.

Monday, November 17, 2008

finally on the road

Allright folks, I knew it, we were going to travel. Sooner or later when the suitcase is parked and she has put things in, we are leavong. So finally one fine morning she got up earlier than usual, ran around in the livingroom, changed her clothes once more than usual and had no coffee. We went out for our morning walk, she took the suitcase into the corridor and even put in my flexible leash. The doorbell rang, and mom came upstairs for a short visit, then took us downstairs, and there we met the niece and the tiny dog. No time for playing, all into the car and off we went to the train station, where the humans had an extensive breakfast at the bakery. After a while the niece got picked up by her father, and then mom took me and chris to the train. As always, she gout out after we had settled in, and then we were on our way.
It is really disappointing when you have to leave one train and start thinking now you can run and sniff out the new environment, but all you get is a transit from one platform to the other and another train. That train had metal steps, ones I had never seen in ages, so I was allowed to jump out after very nicely waiting for the command to do so. Another change of platforms, another train, and finally, after two girls helped us get off the train, a lady was there with her car. At least that is more spacious than the trains, where I have to lie under benches and make sure I am not in peoples' way.
We got out of the car, and I knew where I was! Tail up high, chris, here's the staircase we always walk up to enter the house! But no, here comes the dog walk on the flexible leash. chris wants to see how well she remembers it - pah, you've found your master, for it is I who knows the way, yes I do! I take the right turns and show her what a good guide I am.
Of course, I am a good guide, of course, though I do have my flaws. All people arrived, and with them was the other female dog I don't particularly like. But the humans are kind, they make sure I don't get to growl at her or scare her, even though i am convinced I need to be the boss around here, having been so wonderful on all the way and the Hapoo route.
there are a few people here with the lady with the other dog. There are two men, of whom one is afraid of us nice dogs, and two ladies, who both like to give me a pet or the other.
What we do here? O well, I mostly sleep, or we go on nice and long dog routes, where there are many piles of leaves to sniff and explore, or I lie down and sleep and look through a gap into the circle chris has shaped using the comfortable couches. While I am busy napping, Chris displays her english knowledge, which she eagerly and ambitiously tries to transfer on to those listening.
Then she eats a whole lot. chris says the food here is extremely tempting, and she cannot resist. She is catching cold, but one of the ladies here is going to stop by a shop and get the things she needs to keep the cold under control. After all, Chris needs her voice to talk.
Allright, that was it for now, I will certainly continue the story. Cheers, Hapoo.

Friday, November 14, 2008

music is the passion

Hi all:
Guess what - the music man has come out of the speakers again - well, at least his voice has.
Chris says she's gotten hold of some new songs, and he has ordered a million CDs of the mr Music Man. She will have them delivered to mom's place, along with some tennis books.
Despite all my royalty, I think I am not royal enough to see the Mr Music Man, unfortunately. But what I heard through the speaker meant nothing to me. It must have meant a lot to me, because the man managed to surprise her fine-tuned ear. At one point she was so surprised that I had to come and calm her down. And as the last note was making its way into the livingroom air, she burst out with laughter and said that was too much of the sweetness. I thought she couldn't have enough sweetness for food, or am I wrong?
I know, I still owe you the ramblings about the ladies in Chris' life, after the men have been discussed at length previously, I think I will manage to write up something when we are on our journey to somewhere.
You know the suitcase or bag has been brought out a few days ago, and it's been standing there with dog food in it for ages, but Chris hasn't picked it up yet. I think she just wants to play a trick on me, but I know we are off to somewhere soon. And I know when the time comes, for then she runs around, picks up things from the bathroom and puts them into the bag. That is always one of the last things before we leave, plus the computer or notetaker or CDs she wants to take along.
Well, so much for my short update, have a good time everybody, Yours, Hapoo.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No more Quito

Hi all:
Apparently I will not see Quito for quite a while to come. A few weeks ago Petra talked with Chris about her, and she says that the current host family no longer wanted her. She says the man spoiled Quito, which made the woman jealous, and they couldn't agree. And the little one took advantage of the disagreement. Well, had they hired me, there would not have been any rebellion, at least not towards me. Quito sure knows who is the boss and the royalty.
Talking royalties: I have come up with a magnificent master plan. You know that royalty at the place called London, where Chris has been before, that distinguished royalty lady of some considderable age is known to love dogs. I think if she saw me, Chris would let her pet me, of course, because we royals are united in this. If I should ever retire and have to leave my bestest Chris of all, couldn't I go and stay with the human royalty and get spoiled rotten?
Anyway, I amgetting off the topic it seems - after all, dogs are rambling just as well as humans. Well, Petra tried hard to find a new host family. But for some reason they were all sceptical as far as training a Hovawart goes. that, of course, leaves me wondering why, as I am a considderably dood guide dog. Chris says so, she is not opting for perfection, and she is just fine with me.
Finally, Petra called Chris and told her of a guide dog trainer near where both Quito and I came from. Chris said she had talked to that lady a long time ago, and she was allright with that decision. So then Petra and Quito went on a long journey again without saying goodbye to me - really impolite, if you ask me.
But the cool thing is that a few days ago the new Quito coach called and told Chris that Quito has made friends in the dog pack, a black German Shepherd female and another black Labrador male. I think the black colour might remind her of me - or maybe her mom, who knows? And she wanted to chase the cats. Petra told Chris that as soon as Quito arrived, the cats trapped her in a circle and would not let her move until Petra freed her. Told you, cats are mean and cheeky critters, they should all be banned to live on trees and away from at least Chris and out of my sight. Or if they have to live near humans. I should be allowed to chase them for my own pleasure and use them as wonderfully interactive toys.
The Quito coach also says that Quito is afraid of slippery floors. Both she and Chris are so far calm about it, they are hoping that Quito will learn that these floors don't bite at all.
I am wondering if I will ever get to see the baby again, but Chris says that that is not the most important worry. It is most important that I feel well and that Quito be successfully trained to follow in my footsteps, should I ever slow down and feel too tired to guide her. O you just don't even think about that! I will do anything to stay with the bestest Chris of all, even though I have trouble seeing when it is dark. I'll work my way around that one and be the best Hapoo ever. This morning Chris remembered that I could put away my own equipment, and afterwards we played a good while - so great to play again!
Cheers for the moment, Yours, Hapoo.