Sunday, May 05, 2013

She says she is busy ...

Hi everyone, hi beautiful world, hi Mr Sun:

You have to help me here with something.
Do you honestly think Chris is busy when she spends hours and hours
talking to you? Do really think it qualifies her to change her status
into "busy" when she sits or walks or stands aroound with either a
headset in her ear or the little multi-talented telephone in her hand,
talking? Or lately - listening to strange music - the strangest I have
ever heard?

Excuse mme - that is a kind of a bad, dull excuse! Help me, tell me she
is nnot busy!
Or are you busy when you are talking with her? For most of the time it
is you she is talkking to. Sometimes I hear Micki's voice, or Suse's,
Bianka's or Daniel's, and occasionally Mr Mylove's (who at least is not
called Mylove by Chris any longer)?
That brings us to another interesting topic:

Is it natural for humans to change names around? I mean Chris is Chris,
I am Quito, and Micki is Micki - but Mr Mylove has turned innto "Hey,
how are you", or "R..., R..." can't remember...
Am I also expected to get used to another nname some time during my
future life? Goodness me, I don't want to! Quito is just cool, and the
many nicknmes Chris has for me - I don't want to change them!

Can anybody give me an answer that makes sense?

Anyway, what did I do? Many things, I watched Chris spend a day in the
kitchen, baking delicious cakes and making sure they were locked away in
the freezer. And then one day I saw the friend Lene who is really cool.
Chris and she took all the delicious cakes downstairs, and then we drove
to Micki's place, where I could run in the fields. We were joined by a
man I didn't know, buut he and I liked each other, and soon niece Lena
also joined us and we both played. I also very quickly took a great dive
in a mud hole - oh what pure joy! Chris, however, complained that I
stank, looked completely brown and was wet. She made sure I did not
shake off the water and dirt near her, because beautiful Chris was
wearing a dress. She is wearing dresses almost exclusively now, and
people say she looks beautiful in them. And why can I not shake myself
when I am wet and when she is wearing a dress?
Lena took me on the flexible leash and we walked into a building I only
have faint memories of. I think I have only been there once before. They
play music from somewhere above, people sing and one lady talks. They
call the building churchh and the talking and singing a kind of a
ceremony to thank somebody invisible for Micki's great age and life.
True, Micki needs to be thanked!
Then we walked into another room, where I spotted delicious cakes,
Chris' artworks included. She had baked a green cake, and that was one
of the first cakes to disappear from the table. I, of coourse, got none,
only one tall lady dropped me a cherry and Chris told her not to do so
anymore. I liked it, and I thought the lady was very kind.
Chris says that was one of her sisters.
Then we went outside, and Chris talked to many people I did not know,
sat on a bench and watched the children climbing a tree and trying to
chase each other around the place. Then Lena and one other niece of
Chris' arrived and took me for a stroll in the fields. And when we
finally returned, the other niece explained to Chris firmly:
"Quito wanted to take a bath. She was having fun, so she had to take the
Allright, Chris had nothing to say. I was dirty, so Suse took me in her
car to another place. Suse is cool, I like her and Lena, and so I did
not mind. Chris was takenn to that same place in another car.
Soon many people were gathered there, the sisters - many of them were
there, Chris, Suse, the sister with crazy Rudi dog annd two others I
didn't know - told something to Micki, Suse gave another speech, and
then we all wennt outside again, Chris and I discovered our room for the
night, and the humans then prepared food. The tall kind lady is also a
sister of Chris', called Anna. I also saw cousin Anne, when the humans
prepared the bufet in the kitchen. The tall sister Anna gave me most
delicious meat, and also gave some to Chris to try, which Chris said was
just excellent! Then everything was carried upstairs, folks played a
strange game, Chris talked to very many people, and then Chris and I
followed sister Dorothee (Rudi's mom) to the house with the rooms in them.
And if you think Chris took a break talking with Mr Sun, you are badly
wrong. She wrote him SMS, and where possible also tried to talk to him.
Soon somebody knocked on the door, and it was Micki who joined us. Yay,
Micki is cool!

The next morning we all went for a beautiful, quiet morning walk, and
Chris was so happy about the sunny weather all weekend long!

Aftr breakfast Henning and his girlfriend took us in their car, we saw
Anne again, sat with her and her husband in the sun and talked, and then
they took me and Chris home, where Chris waited for you, Mr Sun, to be
on your bus home, so you could talk again.

And you call that busy! I think you also watched her as she was baking
the cakes - and I am sure she would have giiven you some to try!
This is outright unfair! Why do humans always get the best food, and
dogs are left out?

A while after that sister Suse picked us up, and we went to the city to
go shopping for more clothes for Chris. Does she need many clothes! And
when they finally had icecream, Suse at least gave me the end of her
scone, which was cool! And another night Daniel picked us up, the humans
had barbecue and football night, and I lay under the table and cleaned
dropped peanuts and potatoe chips until Chris discovered my doing and
very firmly told me off. Fun spoil, killjoy!
And last night we went for the evening route, when suddenly I discovered
cool Basti and Daniel, and we went to Daniel's place, where humans had
food and football again, and Basti and I tried to behave. But then
Daniel and Basti came for the evening walk back home, which was really nice.
When Chris wants, she can be really cooll, but currently she has
something about her multi-talented telephone. If you, Mr Sun, are so
important to her that she spends hours and hours talking to you,
mornning, noon and night, why don't you come here, sit beside her and
talk for as long as you want, even in your sleep? What is so hard or
complicated or difficult about it?
Humans are strange!
Any answers, anybody?
Besides, I have just had a duck foot, which was delicious, so after all
this typing work, which, by the way, kept me really busy, I am going to
sleep. Goodnight!