Thursday, May 25, 2006


<woofwoof> all,
Chris says if it weren't for this birthday reminder, she'd have
forgotten all about it. We never make a big deal out of my birthday. But
I get to travel to see the friend and the sister. Chris says we will be
away for about two weeks, so happy everything and talk to you when we
are back, Hapoo.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The most stupid conversation ever...

Hi all:
Allright, you know by now that Chris is blind - right? Sure you do, for
I told you now.
So what happened! We went to the place where they sold us the new car.
We went there with another car we had for a few days. We had stayed in
an office talking with a guy, then we had looked at the new car - Chris
and mom did, I watched.
Then we went back to our own car - mind you, I wasn't in harness, for
there was not much guiding to be done. So Chris hears the motor of this
other car, which had parked very close to us. But the man inside and
another man outside that car had been talking like that for ages - motor
running, one inside, one outside.
So Chris decides to go for our side of the car to let me hop on the back
seat and get in herself in front. By the time she squeezed in the gap
between the car, the other car started moving, so Chris backed up again.
The man outside the other car said:
"Can't you wait until the car has left?"
Chris alswered: "I didn't see it leaving."
"What," the man exclaimed, "you don't see a moving car?"
"No," Chris replied, "I am blind, you know, blind folks do exist."

I bet that man was so so embarrassed - I mean I did wear my signal
jacket, and he saw it when I jumped into the car then, and he even held
the door open for Chris. But he was fun, they laughed about it, the two
of them and mom.
Cheers, Hapoo.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The ball days - final one

Yeah right, you are going to kill me for this one, but it was the most
major adventure in our past week, so you gotta know all about it!

We went to the train station, where mom and Chris left the suitcase that
can turn into a backpack under Chris' magical hands in the clauset that
isn't ours. I noticed that Chris dropped oney in there and only then
locked and put the key into her pocket. I remember that she and Shadow
also use these clausets that aren't ours. Alyways, we then went to the
same venue as the day before, only that today it was more packed with
people. Chris said it was ladies' day, so the three of us were allright
in there.
We went with the chair folks again and sat in the second row. But quite
soon somebody asked Chris if she wanted to sit at the barrier, so she
could put her notes thing up there, like she had done yesterday. She was
very happy about that. But besides, before that we went to one of the
small courts again and saw two youngsters playing, as Chris puts it. And
at the big one with the chairs the German day started. In each match
(that's what you call the ball exchanging series) one of the ball
chasers was German. But this time Chris' Alex man wasn't there, or else
I would surely have barked at him.

In the middle they said something about Chris' Alex man through the
noisy speaking things that are installed everywhere, so mom and Chris
and I rushed out and ran all across the place, only to return with
nothing. I am not sure what they were looking for - must've been the
ice-cream that mom bought herself, and the shoes for Chris. O gosh, that
shoe place was sooooooo busy with mainly ladies - incredible! But
although I have to stand on all four and am quite small for them, nobody
stepped on my feet or bumped a bag on my head. Everybody just was amazed
that there was a dog. Yeah, like I was going to be far from Chris!
People, get a grip, I know I'm the cutest, almost best behaved, but
surely loveliest flirt in this part of the world.

After the shoe business was done we rushed back to the big chair place.
We arrived seconds too late, the rope was pulled across, so we had to
wait. Chris even then took out her typing thing and took the scores,
because she says the match had just started. In the middle of the wait
somebody asked if they could pass. Chris pulled me closer towards her,
but the man beside me said that the pusher should be careful and that
Chris was blind. I bet as always he only then saw me, because I am not
at eye level with him. Stupid humans, really - fall over me just because
they can't look! I think if that's the case, everybody should have a
guide dog like me, because everybody is blind like Chris. Makes sense,
don't you think?

After that match was over, something fell into Chris' lap very gently.
She found a ball that was still dusty from play - and she was very happy
to receive it. She even showed it to me but said it was hers, and I had
my tennis ball at home. By now we had made friends with this cool lady
that was sitting beside Chris, she gave Chris another ball. And just as
mom had put the two balls into the backpack, a man from the cameras came
and gave Chris another one. She was really happy.

Then came the match that was to be our final one, because were to catch
our train home. It didn't take long. But once I heard a strange noise
and later found out that the one who was not German had hit Chris right
on the shoulder with a ball. She should have told me, I would've caught
it before and played with it! But she says it had to go back into the
play. The German, mom's favourite of all Germans - she calls him
Haasenvater (raabbit father) had to go and lose the match because he was
sick. Chris says he lost voluntarily - I call that great obedience, and
he surely has deserved himself a click and a treat. But instead of that
people went whistling for him - bad folks, they sure need a good leash
correction from Chris - all of the grumpy ones!
Then our chair friend gave me a final pet, and we left. We went to the
train station, got the bag back from the clauset, the ladies bought
something to eat for themselves, and then we waited for the train.

Back at our home train station we had to walk a little more - I had to
guide Chris - and then we were at the car. We drove and drove, until the
car wanted to drive no more, so we stopped at the side of the road. I
was baffled, but Chris was calm. Soon enough there came the biggest
baddest monster car ever. Mom and the man talked and talked, and then
the bad monster car just ate up our little tiny car. I was so afraid it
could eat me too, I backed up and was really happy Chris was standing
tall and calm and strong by my side and was not a bit scared. The car
was so so huge and we had to get in! So mom got in first and called me
after Chris let me off leash. So I knew if I climb into the car mom will
pet me. Chris sat in the front and enjoyed the ride in the monster car,
but I was so happy when I could get out and found myself at home - home
We went all through the house, switched on the lights for mom, emptied
the mailbox, checked our own part of the house and then found that the
big bad monster car eating car was gone.
I was so so happy to be back at home, I went straight into my crate and
slept. After all, my Hapoo house is the bestest, only when Chris is
around, of course, because Chris is better than anything and anybody!

You know what I'm going to get for dinner tonight? Mashed potatos and
carots. Chris says it's good, I need to lose a bit more of my winter
isolation layer of fat - not fur, unfortunately.
Cheers, Hapoo.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The ball days part 2

Here I am again with the actual ball days stuff.
On the first day of it all we started off where only a few people were
sitting on benches. Chris says we were sitting at the left of the short
side of the court. The guy behind us had fun telling Chris about the
ball changes, and she had fun listening. They didn't have the same
favourite, but Chris' one won the whole ball exchanging series straight.
It was like the TV: Chris had her tiny little seven keys writing thing
with her to keep the scores safely hidden somewhere. She even managed to
prove the memory of the describer guy wrong with that hiding of the
scores method - cool Chris imo. But nobody applauded her for that.
I had already mentioned that when we left the small place with the
benches, we were given permission to go where the folks on their chairs
with weels were. One match was ending with the wrong winner, but then
came the one Chris wanted to see so desperately. She has it with Alex
people. Before this Alex she had anotherfavourite Alex, but he no longer
plays. The first one was from a place where the word "querida" comes
from - Chris calls me that very occasionally. But this current Alex
speaks like Chris when she's not with Shadow - German. However, just
like the Mr Music Man, he never even once talked to me, looked at me or
gave me pets, though Chris cheered him on and even had a smile for him
when he didn't win his ball exchange series. She just says she would
have loved to have the broken racket, so she can see what it looks like.
Strange, now she goes into collecting things that no longer work

I don't remember what we did then, but we finally ended up on another
quiet little place with benches, where two guys were playing. The
folksin front of us were speaking yet another language. Chris says that
is the language of the place where she and Shadow sometimes spend their
summer, and that place is called Frank or Francis or so. It's not the
Francisco place where Shadow's mom lives, but this other one - you
know.... That one man liked me a lot, he even petted me without asking
Chris for permission, and she for once let him - yippee!
After that one was over, we stayed at the same place, but just moved to
the very front. Chris wanted me to jump, but right behind her was a
fence. So she picked me up, lifted me over the bench she was sitting on
and put me down between that and the fence. And there we stayed forever,
until I saw Chris' Alex again. Had I not been supposed to behave, I
might have barked to greet him. This time he was accompanied by three
other folks, eventually it was two on each side of the field.
And this time - Chris was so happy - the Alex man and his ball chasing
helper won the exchange series they in sist on calling a match. You
would have thought for a reward of our loyal support they came over and
petted me and gave Chris a hug, but no way! They left and that was it.
If they don't like Chris, fine with me. But if they don't like me,
that's unbelievable! They just don't know me well enough!
We went back to the big place with the chairs on weels, but didn't
finish watching what was going on. Both mom and Chris were tired. But we
stopped at a place where all kinds of things were for sale. One guy
bought himself a new jacket, and Chris started joking with him and the
guy behind the counter. They all had fun with each other, but nobody
petted me. With mom's help Chris bought a cup and a big white blanket.
She immediately declared it her own, because it was white and I am
black. And mom was very proud that I was the only woofer allowed at the
venue, equipped with a special permit only for my beautiful self! When
he gave mom the bag, the guy told Chris that - oops - two cups instead
of one had fallen into the bag, probably the second one was for Shadow.

So we went home and I was allowed to run on the flexible leash all the
way back. I was a really good girl, I didn't even ask for my second
Hapoo walk around lunch! Next morning, thank goodness, the ladies got up
earlier, and I spoke up telling Chris that I desperately needed a
business break. So she got dressed, and mom, too, and we went out before
breakfast. During the meal I was the bestest Hapoo ever, lying under the
big table again, the same as the day before. Then the ladies packed the
bags, and off we went, mom pulling the suitcase, and me guiding Chris
right up to the tunnel train.
Do you want more? Well if so, then wait till maybe tomorrow - I have
just received a bone to play fetch and finally chew. So have a good one
everybody, woofs, cheers, chews, Hapoo.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The ball days

Hi all:
We're back from the ball days! I told you that on Sunday we left really
early with the car. Then we walked a bit, where I had to guide Chris,
and then we went on the train. We arrived at a train station I didn't
know well. Mom didn't either, so we had to walk in circles before Chris
pushed the suitcase into a door and locked it there. Then we went by a
train that goes in tunnels most of the time. We walked and walked along
a street and turned 180 degrees in the middle of the street. I didn't
see the use in that turn, so started dragging my feet. What *is* the use
in turning to go back the same route? Mom says the stupid people had
sent us into the wrong direction, and Chris had a good laugh about my
attitude. Of course, you gotta have one if you want to get anywhere in
Hapoo world!
Then we walked into a house with a desk, talked to the lady there and
left. Allright, whatever that was good for!
Back on the tunnel trains and stay on them forever!
When we finally got off, the weather was as sunny as before - it was
lovely to walk in. A lady greeted us - I sure had never seen her before.
Chris calls her the cousin - yet another one - how many cousins does one
human have?
The car ride was fun - the cousin had pushed the passenger seat way
back, so I could sit between Chris' feet and had plenty of space! We
arrived, and another lady gave the humans hugs and myself a pet on the
That is a lady I remember from some time ago. Chris calls her the aunt -
yet another one. And then came the human food marathon! We spent the
following hours sitting around a table, the humans having plenty of food
and plenty of chats, and my shining self lying behind Chris' chair very
very quietly. Chris kept saying that the dreadful bath was only for the
aunt, so my beautiful loose Hapoo hair wouldn't fly all around the
We finally, after the talks and the food were shifted to the outside
table, went for a really long walk! That was fun, because I met another
cool woofer, a Setter called Sammy. His mom had plenty of cookies to
share with both of us - yummmmmy! But he didn't want to play with me,
boring city dog! Already in the morning in a flower shop I had met
another woofer, a border kolly GSD mix - he was fun! I'm sure he would
have played, had I met him in the meadows. His name was Teddy, which
suited him, in Chris' opinion.
When we returned to the aunt's house, we were up for another human food
session, I didn't get a crumb, as usual!
Back on the tunnel trains, and into the house with the desk. No person
there, but we went and found a room where we could stay. So okay, this
was a hotel! The humans showered, I got my well-deserved food and went
to sleep right away.

Next morning after breakfast and the humans' morning routines, mom saw a
patch of park where Chris let me run loose, before I went in harness and
had to work all the way to the train station. And then something strange

We sat down, and in front of us folks started hitting balls. Sounded
much like what Chris watches on TV when it's on, and is probably that
tennis stuff. Folks were clapping hands, a guy behind Chris described
the ball changes, and she says she had a lot of fun with that. The guy
knew what he was talking about, but he and Chris didn't have the same
favourite. Chris' favourite won, somebody called David from Spain. Then
we went to another big thing with loads of entrances. At one they told
us to go somewhere else. Chris said she didn't want to exchange the
seats she had paid for with something worse, but the man at that
entrance showed mom where we would be sitting, and mom said that was way
So we waled somewhere else, and there were many people sitting in their
own chairs on weels. They were at my level, I could have given kisses to
all of them, if Chris had only let me! She placed me by a kind of a
fence or wall, and sat down behind me. She had brought her tape recorder
and her writing device, which she placed on the little roof above my
head. That roof was specially made for me, for it was very narrow and
just protected me from rain and sun.
And then the boredom began - people started hitting balls for hours -
the crowd was cheering or whistling boos at the players or the king up
on his throne, and even Chris talked sometimes. She says her favourite,
a German named Alex, lost, but she had a lot of fun with the match,
because she could hear so many things!
Well gimme a ball, I wanna chase it! No chance, not for me! She could
have picked me up and put me down on the other side of the fence, so I
would have run all across the place and jumped over the fence thing they
call net, and would've gotten the balls and play barked at the folks -
trust me, it would have been much fun!
Allright, I'll go sleep now, and Chris wants breakfast. More later, I
Cheers, Hapoo.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dreadful Friday

Hi all:
Yesterday was the strangest of all days. Chris kept brushing and combing
me all the time. She used three different brushes on me, and I didn't
know why. She said I was a good girl through all that messing around
with my anyway beautiful black fur, but it was necessary.
From that I could gather that something was about to come - either a
bath or going away. Going away would be fun, but very unfortunately it
was the bath.
In the evening, after a wonderful slow Hapoo walk along my most
favourite field route, Hapoo called me into the bathroom. Allright, I
came but sat down right by the door, so Chris would open it and let me
out. Instead she made me walk into the dreadded shower - I mean it's
really awful!
And then she kept me there for at least 20 minutes, putting shampoo on
me twice and rinsing it off twice! I slowly turned my body so I could
easily hop out, but Chris always turned me back, sometimes quite firmly
when I was too bad.
But what can I do when the only thing I really hate, dislike, dread is a
shower for me?
Of course, when I came out, I shook my fur a lot, so the water drops
flew all around the bathroom - heeheehee, that's what you get for
showering me, mean Chris!
She ended our bathroom session by giving me my medication that takes the
pain out of my legs and paws, and then the bathroom door finally opened
for me to run out.
And even though mom was watching TV, I went straight to my Hapoo house
and showed them that I disaprooved of that shower action.
Chris let me, but after half an hour or so she called me, and I got a
few yummy treats. She even threw them for me, so I could look for them.
This girl just knows how to get me off my sob box, doesn't she?
And just now we went for a really long walk along the romantic route,
and I could sniffsniffsniff as much as I wanted.
I still think we will be going away soon, I just don't know when and
where yet. But it looks like I am going too, because Chris has put some
of my Hapoo food into a plastic bag. That means she is taking some Hapoo
food, and that again means I have to come with her, because Chris
herself doesn't like my kibble.
Cheers, Hapoo.

Friday, May 05, 2006

What a bother

Hi all:
Last night after the usual evening route Chris went out with me again,
but this time she brought the harness for me. I didn't really feel like
working, but that doesn't matter. When it's job time it is job time, and
I won't complain. First we went to the eating place, where there was
another growly wild dog. I was very good at ignoring him, but the baby
that was also there was afraid of me. I don't get it, you know, I won't
bite kids if they don't bite me.
Then we went to the post office. I was watching out for mom, who had
fallen behind considdderably, so I missed the right turn. Oohoo, why am
I not supposed to look out for mom? We reworked the turn from the other
side, and Chris helped me by directing me with the leash. And then I
found the turn and even the mailbox. We walked across the street. And
instead of turning right towards home, Chris made me turn left. Man,
does she have to do that? I am a routine dog, so I am! I walked along
slowly, but she says I did a great job following the round shape of the
street even though there was no sidewalk to follow. I even igored a
barking dog behind a door and two children, though I would have loved to
catch a sniff. I almost screwed up one tough street crossing, but Chris
didn't mind that much.
We finally went back to the eating place, where the ladies picked up two
boxes. I think they contained some ind of meat and cheese, but mostly
vegetables <rrr> as if I am a vegetarian - gimme my meat!
You guessed it - Chris didn't share a crumb with me, as always. Instead
I had to wait till quite late for my food, because she was busy doing
nothing. Is that fair?
Allright, I'm off to take my afternoon nap, cheers, Hapoo.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another update

Hi all faithful readers:
Towards the end of last week we took the big car and went out. Mom drove
a lot until we got off. But we had to go by car again after walking in
and out of two buildings. Another short drive and we were there. IcHRIS
doors were open, and I sure tried to look in or told Chris that we could
go in. But shedidn't want.
Bang, and the harness flies back on me. Oops, I had overlooked the half
opened two-winged door, and I had Chris run right into the closed part
of it. And when I do things like that, she makes me turn around and do
the same thing over again, hopefully without her hitting the closed
part. Of course she didn't, becauseI was smart and realized my mistake.
We arrived in a room where everybody admired me - and I love love love
that one!

They had such a long talk that Chris eventially took my harness off me,
so I could relax comfortably. When we finally left the room, I spotted a
staircase right near there. But Chris told mom she wanted to go out the
original way, because of the narrow door. Mean, isn'tshe? ButI didn't
fall for it this time, I passedthe two of us without smacking her into
anything. All of a sudden there was a lady coming out of her office, and
Chris and I stopped. That really blind dumber didn't see us and had to
be made aware by another man passing by. See, and me stopping calmly had
another wonderful shower of admiration pour down on me.

Outside mom found a nice place where I could run off leash. And
heeheeheehee, I found a really great stinky rotten fish bone. I tried to
chew on it but mom caught and told on me, and the bone was removed.
Chris wasn't at all pleased, and I had to walk past the bone on leash on
the way back. But all in all I really loved that outing, I just enjoy my
work when my bonesaren't huring me.
Cheers, Hapoo.