Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Funny walk to work

Hi all:
A few days ago the friend came to visit us - no problem with that, I
like her and have learnt to ignore her pretty much, because she never
pets me. At first everything was the usual way. The ladies talked, I got
the occasional pet or scratch from Chris, and they talked and had food
and coffee and talked some more. And of course, they also slept and took
me for my Hapoo walks.

On Saturday we all woke up and Chris started her morning routine for
going to work, she also took care of the friend. Finally her backpack
was larger than usual, but qwe set off anyway. I did my morning
business, and then Chris harnessed me up. The friend still held on to
Chris' arm, so I thought I should guide both of them. I really tried my
best, and I think Chris was really proud of me, for she praised me and
told me what a clever girl I was. The friend sat by Chris all the time,
and they had lunch all together. They laughed a lot with the colleagues,
and Chris says the day passed really quickly.

After work I got to run free in that little semi-circle of a car parking
spot where hardly anybody parks, and then home we went. Again it was the
same procedure of me trying to take care of both ladies. When we walk
with mom it is different from the walk with the friend. Mom always walks
ahead a little and guides Chris, so I can follow nicely. But the friend
holds on to Chris and walks a little behind, so I am the leader of the
pack and have to do a good job. I think I did, for Chris praised me
again ad told me what a good girl I was. We crossed all streets safely
and arrived home really well. Only the weather was really louzy, it was
windy and snow came down. Chris says it is good that she can keep her
eyes closed in such weather, and that I am there.
Of course it is good that I am there, so she is not on her own all that
much and has me to talk to and play with. Allright, I think the lady
wants to turn off the computer, so she can make herself the morning
coffee, cheers, Hapoo.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

When you have the chance to make up

Hi all:
Yesterday we generally had a good day. Chris has decided to stay at work
a bit longer, but she listens when I tell her that I want to go out
during work time. I am an older dog, so don't need all that much running
anymore. Only when mom or the cousin are with us, I motivate them to
play with me. After all they are great pals.

At work, Chris has not been talking on the phone all that much recently,
but instead she has made the scanner camera run for miles and miles. She
has one at work now, too, and I wonder if she will take her tennis book
over to finish scanning it -I mean the really fat one.

Anyway, yesterday when Chris was packing her things to leave, I got up
to greet mom. If course, Chris hadn't noticed mom, so she told me to go
back to my mat. Only when mom said that she was there to pick us up,
Chris let me say hi to her in a quiet way. We first played a little,
then went to a shop where Chris bought a shower curtain. Then we went
home, and the humans had coffee, destroyed the bar that holds the
curtain, and did some paper work, before mom left.

Chris and I went out later. At first the walk was normal, but then I
spotted a mouse and wanted to go after it. Of course, Chris' reaction
was as fast as always, she held me back and kept a close eye on me
afterwards. As always she was not amused. But when we arrived back at
the house, I got the chance to make up for my animal chase. Chris took
the key out of her pocket, and with it the ring she had bought together
with Shadow. The ring decided to go for a little stroll, and so she told
me to find it. I found it, but I didn't point on it the first time. So
we went back a little, Chris told me to find the ring again, and then I
put my nose right on it, so she could pick it up. O boy, did I get a
huge praise! I love that part of the job, when I have done something
really well and Chris is so so happy.

At night then I was brushed before going to sleep. I have a new place in
the bedroom, a Hapoo cushion that sinks in where I am heavy. It is
rather shaky when you step on it, which always makes me look at it with
some suspicion. But sleeping on it is worth it, for when I lie on it
Chris pets me and wrestles my paws a little before she goes to her own

Okay, she wants to do human work, she claims, so I'd better go sleep and
wait for my food, cheers, Hapoo.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Two busy busy days

Hi all:
Have I told you that we have another friend now? She comes in the
evenings or in the middle of the morning, and then she and Chris speak
English. But she says Chris is teachng her, like she used to teach the
folks far away in that hotel place we used to go to. Thy once cooked
pasta and once made sandwiches, and when they don't speak English they
speak a lot anyway. The friend even pets me every now and then, until
either she or Chris sends me to my place.

Well yesterday the friend picked us up and we went to the city. It was
sunny in the morning already, but we went inside the restaurant we used
to go to with Shadow, and the ladies had breakfast there and talked and
talked. Then we went to the bank and then to the bookstore, where they
picked up a whole lot of books. The friend, whose name is something like
Silk, helped Chris choose a few, for Chris only ended up with three. We
went back, and the ladies sat in the car for another while and continued
chatting. O my goodness, if I barked as much as they talk, Chris would
have scolded me badly, I'm sure. But that's it, humans apply different
measures for themselves than for us faithful dogs. When we are going
with her it is nice, I have the back seat all for myself, and can look
out of all windows.

After we had been on the lunch route, Chris took a nap on the balcony,
and anothert while later mom arrived, what a joy! But that meant more
work for me, as we went shopping forever! The car was packed when we
arrived at home, and I was hungry, becase it was way past my feeding
time. Then mom and Chris sat forever, chatted and had wine. They both
agreed that it was good, but I think it even smells terrible, and I
would no teven attempt to take a sniff.
This morning finally, mom got up first, after I had begged her in the
middle of the night to give me scratches, and kept herself busy in the
bathroom and the kitchen. She finally took me out to go get fresh
bredrolls, while Chris still tried to sleep. But when mom and I
returned, Chris had already gotten up. So they had breakfast, spent the
morning cleaning the apartment and writing something on the PC, and
after lunch we went to the store where Chris likes to go shopping. She
bought two chairs there.

It is funny how a flat box can turn into a chair. You first really only
have a flat cartboard box that smells dull. You manage to put it in the
car and take it home, all the way up to our apartment. Then you remove
the cardboard box, and out come separate wood, fabric and mewtal parts.
You have mom read a piece of paper and Chris work on the parts,
eventually supported by mom. And when they are finished, there it is,
the new chair. Cool, or what? I have watched her doing the same magic
trick to shelves, the armchair and fotrest, the kitchen cabinets and
even the bed. The only things that never change are the trash can, my
Food, the couch, kitchen table and chairs, flower vaswes and other
uleless things Chris has stuffed the apartment with.
I mean, chairs are useful, because on them there sit the people who pet
me. But who needs a trash can or the shelves, or even worse, the fowers?
Allright, I'd rather go and digest my non-transforming food while
sleeping, Yours, Hapoo.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hoohoo, back I am!

Most recently, from what I have understood, the wise Mr Music Man has
compared Chris' half of the human race to cats. That's really fun. I
think, Mr Music man, you were going to do me a favour with this one,
right? I mean, cat are my most interactive chase toy!
They come, I run, they run; They climb a tree, I stare, Chris calls, I
run back. And despite my considderable age I can still run fast and
speedy at the sight of such a creature.
If Chris were a cat, I am not sure what I would do.

Firstly, and most importantly, she would not have needed a guide dog
like myself. For even if a cat's eyes don't work, they will be too proud
to admit so, Chris says. Plus cats cannot hold on to my harness, and I
am way taller than they are.

Secondly, I would have chased her up a tree rather than letting her boss
me around.

I am not sure whether transforming Chris into a cat is so desirable,
given that she herself doesn't like them, and secretly loves it when I
chase them away from her. Of course, she never openly encourages it,
because it is against the guide dog etiquette, but I have heard her say
that she was happy more than once.

She says she is charmed that you feel comfortable around women, dear Mr
Music Man, because she feels comfortable around most of your half of the
race as well. I wonder why that is. I choose anybody, male or female
human, to be my friend, mainly when they are calm. My best friends at
work are Petra and two of the bosses, one male and one female human, and
the big boss, another male. But I only love them because Chris is there.
I think she is what you considder my family, with the very pleasant
addition of mom and cousin Anne.
Have a cool time with or without cats, but always keep a dog, Yours,