Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Hello dear patient reders:
This will be a short messge, as I have just a complaint to shre with you.
Chris hs expnded her obedience training, unfortunately. Until recently she only left me on my mat, prepared the food and called me shortly after she had turned away frm the bowl. - recently she has started calling me to her, making me sit and then go back to my mat, before telling me to go have food. This is cruel, but she is so stict with it! Tonight I tried to fool her. She told me to go to my mat, but I went the opposite way towards the food bowl. She very firmly called me to the mat, then to herself and made me lie down. Then she sent me back to the mat, went to the computer, and only then let me go eat.
I have never seen her mother torture her in this way! I really think Chris is terrible with me. I am sure from a humn point of view she has reasons, but I don't get any reasons, when it comes to preventing me from getting my food! So I will turn away and go to sleep immediately without a friendly word for her, byebye, Hapoo.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Hello everybody:
Are you enjoying your weekend? I am, especially since Chris gave me a bit of her breakfast meat, which is called Wurst by Khodadad and the Germans.
Well, I have promised to update you on the statistics, so here goes: Not much to tell, the Iranian hits are at 205, and Germany and USA have passed 150, both still battling for 2nd position. Currently the U.S. readers are a little ahead, but this can change any minute. The rest is pretty boring, not many changes there. Recently somebody from Norway has come and visited, but that did not yet have an impact on the major statistics. A nation will have to have at least ten readers visiting, before it is show among the ten best nations. So good luck!

Now let’s see what has happened in the past few days. I can tell you that it has not been much. Chris has spent a bit of time watching videos. I think she enjoyed them. She also took me out on the balcony when the weather was nice, and one day we walked the long route in the afternoon. Yesterday that was not the case, but she made me jump although there was no barrier. I don’t know what that is good for, but both of us enjoyed it. You know, love to jump! And of course, Chris has started watching tennis again, this boring boom boom game with people running until they can’t run anymore. Here is something else she has started doing: drinking tea. The noise of the samovar comes to my ears more often now, and I am so familiar with the smell of the tea she makes! Even no coffee for breakfast! Is she sick, or what? She does not seem sick to me, but what else could have made her change her habit?

Shadow called, too, and I think she enjoyed talking to him. I bet they are missing each other. If I could, and if I had wings, I would take this heavy lady on my back and fly her to wherever Shadow is. I know he does not care for me, but doesn’t really matter, s long as he does not tell Chris to give me away. Even if he did, would Chris do that to me? See, she is my only master, she is the only one to shout and praise, the only one I obey to 95% of the times. I love Mom and jump up on her with my front paws and run to greet her when she comes downstairs for breakfast in the morning; and I kind of respect Shadow and wait until he tells me to get my food, but I protect and serve Chris. She is the only one who can hold on to the handle of the harness and have me guide her
And above all, she gives me Wurst! Shadow would probably enjoy that, but for some odd reason she does not let him. That’s something I dislike about Chris. She always tells people not to feed or pet me, and she really gets upset when they still do. Maybe there are some corners of the human brain I don’t have, so I don’t quite understand her thoughts, or what do you think?
I for one have written enough and will go sleep and enjoy the taste of the piece of Wurst and the fresh water, yours, Hapoo.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Hello friends:
In case you have been wondering - as I told you before I was away seeing Chris' friend Bianka. Bianka has a quite nice apartment, and her mother enjoyed petting me. However, as always, Chris spoiled the fun:-(
In Bianka's apartment I was permitted to the living and bedroom, but for a reason I don't understand, they even kicked me out of the study room. You know, they would spend some time in there playing with their computers, and whenever I came sneaking in, Chris immediately took me back to the livingroom, where I had to keep on being bored.
But the stay had a nice side to it: Our morning walks were nice and long, one day we even walked through a forest. But since there were quite mny dogs running around there, Chris hardly ever took me off the leash.
Bianka's apartment has a little tiny balcony, but you first have to climb over a high step. Chris taught me to jump over it, nice game!
I don't know what else to tell you, except that Bianka never understood that I wanted to sleep, but twice tripped over me. She could just have gone somewhere else, right? If Chris trips, not nice, I'd probably move, but why didn't Bianka just simply walk around me? Even if she was as blind as Chris, no excuse!
Today it is pretty warm again, but Chris and I have already went for our afternoon walk and took the long route. It is so nice to be back home. However, I wish Shadow was here, so the three of us could go to the city and they could have their favourite Softeis!
So friends, any news from you? I will have Chris check the statistics and report next time, if you like, but for the moment I will go and have a bit of nice cold water, byebye, Hapoo.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Hi folks:
These past two days were quite adventurous form e. I had told you that Chris had taught me to jump on a stone. After that was done, two days ago mom and she built a slam barreer, over which I now had to jump. I could have walked over it or just passed by it, but if I did that, Chris kept the tret thatwas in her hand for herself. So I had to jump, but it took a day until I fully understood what I had to do to get the treat as quickly as possible.

Yesterday after the couple of morning jumps Chris put me on the balcony most of the time. She only took me back inside when it was time for lunch. After that mom left for university. Soon Chris and I took the train to Rostock, where we had to wait for mom to pick us up.
When we came down into the tunnel, I noticed that nothing was the same. First we wondered around for Chris to find out how the stairs are located, nd then we went down even more to take the Straßenbahn. This thing is smaller than a train, but it runs on railtracks, even in the middle of the city.

There were many people in the city, it was almost as crazy as over Christmas, just this time they called it Easter. The weather was gorgeous, and so they had ice-cream. Poor Shadow should have been there, I kremember he loved Softeis!

Then we went into a quiet shop, where Chris made me step on a moving staircase. It was all right, she just did not let e walk up all the way, but instead I had to wit until she told me to get off. She must have liked the way I did it, for at the end she praised and treated me. We did that one more time, and then we left the store.

When we wanted to go home by car after our shopping ws done, mom realized that the car had disappeared. They say it had been towed away. For me that meant getting on an overheated Straßenbahn for about half an hour and walking quite a distance, until Chris gave me water, delicious and cool water. Then we had the cr back and finally were able to go back home.

I tell you, that was an adventure! And then also there was another man who talked about TV and radio with mom, and that she had to pay for her TV. Chris did not hae to, somebody understand that1 nyway, I think I really deserved my sleep and food last night and am really awake now.
Tomorrow we will go on a journey for about a week, Chris says. We are going to Biankas place, where I hae never been. But she tells me it is going to be relaxing and I am going to like it. So forgive me if I don’t write anything until then, yours, Hapoo.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Hello friends:
Did you know that the number of Iranian readers is getting dangerously close to 200, and that of both German and U.S. readers should hit 150 any moment?
But the reason why I am writing to you is another one. Let me start from the beginning, so you get a little more impatient:
Yesterday we went for a walk for an hour or so, because for Chris the weather was nice, while for me it could have been a little colder. I don’t know why she loves the heat so much. This is probably because she does not necessarily wear black. When we were back Chris’ nephew had arrived, and we all went and had coffee on the balcony. After that sister Anna and her three children were taken to the Rostock central station by both mom and Suse. Chris spent her evening watching a video, and Shadow gave her a quick call.
Today after the usual family breakfast she spent quite some time at the PC and on the phone, she made or received several long calls, including one from Shadow. I believe that one was her favourite. She even laughed then and was quite cheerful.
After lunch we went on the balcony again where Chris had some cake, and then we went for a long walk again, on which Chris again talked on the Phone. She keeps talking about escalators these days, and it seems she wants me to go on one. I don’t know what to think about that.
Tonight she took me to a kind of stone, on which grandpa Ajax sometimes takes a sunbath. She did not want me to lie on it, but to jump on it. I first announced it with my front paws, which did not inspire Chris to give me the treat she was holding in her hands. Sister Suse lifted up my back feet and put them on, and only then did I get my treat. I was quite uncertain why sister was doing that, but Chris seemed to agree. They did that again, and at Chris’ third “Hopp� I jumped up on my own and received loads of pets and a treat. Nice girl she is, don’t you think? By the way, she had me do this in the harness; it must be some kind of new duty – who knows what she is intending!
I am tired from all this sport and walking, just waiting for my food and then going to sleep a lot, yours, Hapoo.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Hi everybody:
Today something strange must have been going on. Chris was having breakfast upstairs, as she has done the past few days. Then she started running down, picking up something, a box, a cake or flowers, and took it upstairs. Then they started singing in the middle of the corridor! And in the living room mom unpacked some presents - I don't know why one would get presents in the middle of the year...
nd then all through the day people arrived, sat down in the living room, had something to eat and left. And that's what they cll birthday? What other strange things do people come up with?
And something else I have noticed: Chris is spending much more time writing stuff - reminds me of the time when she ws finishing her diplome paper. Do people have to write two of these in their lives, or even more? You tell me, I have no idea, byebye, Hapoo.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Hi everybody:
Again we went for a short trip to Berlin, our capital, s Chris calls it. We departed yesterday; mom took us and the luggage to the train. I knew that this was the trip to say goodbye to Shadow, for the bags were all his.
In Berlin we arrived at the usual train station, where we first locked the bags and then started looking for a hotel. Chris’ hands were so cold that she got a little tense. When we found the hotel we had to walk four floors up, only then we discovered the elevator. It took while until we found our room, but Chris did not give us much rest. She just made one phone-call and then dragged us up to another adventure.
I found out that the place she took us to see was her former school. Her music teacher and her husband picked us up at the train station, where cold nasty snowy wind greeted us. The husband took care of me, which I disliked quite a bit. Why couldn’t he have left me with Chris, and why couldn’t Chris have insisted on taking me? Well, Shadow and she got nice guided tour through the school building and some reading material, before the nice couple dropped us off at the train station about an hour later.
Then we took the train back to the centre of the city, where Chris and Shadow took a little rest and then took me out for dinner. Or should I rather say, they made me watch them have delicious fish, and later a wonderful dessert in another restaurant?
This morning the watch announced wake up time pretty early, and outside it was still cold, when we went for a walk in a little side park area. And then, the same procedure as every time when Shadow and Chris say goodbye. They go to the platform, and from then on it’s only the two of them in the whole wide world. And when Shadow has put us on the train and Chris has found a place for us, she cries a little, and maybe more. Shadow heads for the airport, and from time to time her mobile phone rings and he keeps her updated about the advancement of his travels and possibly troubles.
When we returned home, Chris had problems accepting that from now on it’s only me and her. She emailed a little and had lunch, before she disappeared in the bedroom. After a while I started barking, because some people went into the upstairs part of the house, but Chris did not care. She kept on sleeping for another while.
We have visitors: Sister Anna and her three children. The boy is quite nice, the older girl is afraid of me licking and smelling her, and the baby doesn’t care, but she is not interesting for me either.
It’s going to be boring from now on, without Shadow and his spontaneous trips with Chris and me, and without their jokes and dinners and talks and walks. So you have a less bored time and enjoy it as much as you can, byebye, yours, Hapoo.

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Hello friends:
I was right, we did travel, but unfortunately the destination was not quite to my liking. Mom, Shadow, Chris and I went by car, and when we arrived we were at the place where the kennel is. The people knew me and said hi to me, and Chris handed the leash over to the boss. He simply took me to the place I usually stay in, and before I could cry or do anything to show my disagreement, the door was closed and I was alone. I once more saw Chris and Shadow passing, and that was it. Since dogs don’t have a good feeling for time, I had to ask Chris to find out that I stayed there for three days. Yesterday Mom picked me up and took me to our home balcony. And a little while later I saw Chris and Shadow arriving, and mom let me run to greet them.

I also found out from what Chris told Mom, that they had been to London for two days. They met up with some of Shadow’s friends and shopped a lot. They returned with a bag I had never seen before. I just need to find out whose it is after all. They apparently stayed in the airport for one night, because they had taken a rather early flight back home. So they were really tired and went to sleep, after Chris had given me an ear to chew on. Since then everything was normal. They woke up, and Mom and Chris walked us, while Shadow had started preparing dinner and tea. So that’s all my latest news. Do you have a good time? I think I will, for it is sunny, and maybe we go to the city today or tomorrow again, yours, Hapoo.

Hello friends:
I was right, we did travel, but unfortunately the destination was not quite to my liking. Mom, Shadow, Chris and I went by car, and when we arrived we were at the place where the kennel is. The people knew me and said hi to me, and Chris handed the leash over to the boss. He simply took me to the place I usually stay in, and before I could cry or do anything to show my disagreement, the door was closed and I was alone. I once more saw Chris and Shadow passing, and that was it. Since dogs don’t have a good feeling for time, I had to ask Chris to find out that I stayed there for three days. Yesterday Mom picked me up and took me to our home balcony. And a little while later I saw Chris and Shadow arriving, and mom let me run to greet them.

I also found out from what Chris told Mom, that they had been to London for two days. They met up with some of Shadow’s friends and shopped a lot. They returned with a bag I had never seen before. I just need to find out whose it is after all. They apparently stayed in the airport for one night, because they had taken a rather early flight back home. So they were really tired and went to sleep, after Chris had given me an ear to chew on. Since then everything was normal. They woke up, and Mom and Chris walked us, while Shadow had started preparing dinner and tea. So that’s all my latest news. Do you have a good time? I think I will, for it is sunny, and maybe we go to the city today or tomorrow again, yours, Hapoo.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Hello everybody:
Yesterday we went to another city with a strange name, Khodadad calls it Swedish, but Chris tells him to stop joking. I found out that people there were speaking German, so Shadow must have been joking indeed.
Today is quite strange, too. I have the feeling we are going to travel, but as you can see we have not left yet. Nobody tells me anything!!!
And if we really should travel for longer, don't be mad if I don't write for a little while, I will certainnly tell you where we've been, in case Chris and Shadow take me! Or maybe I stay with Mom? Or in the kenne? Who knows, who knows
I just wanted to update you all on the latest news and hope the weather wherever you are is as sunny as it is here...
O and if you like some statistics:
The Iranian readers have put their 1st place on solid ground, and Germans and U.S. readers are battling for 2nd position. All in all we are slowly aproaching 700 hits - thank you so much, all you anonymous motivators! Really, you motivate me to keep on improving my writing skills, and which dog can claim to have such great writing motivation! Have a wonderful time everybody, yours, gratefully, Hapoo.

Hello everybody:
Yesterday we went to another city with a strange name, Khodadad calls it Swedish, but Chris tells him to stop joking. I found out that people there were speaking German, so Shadow must have been joking indeed.
Today is quite strange, too. I have the feeling we are going to travel, but as you can see we have not left yet. Nobody tells me anything!!!
And if we really should travel for longer, don't be mad if I don't write for a little while, I will certainnly tell you where we've been, in case Chris and Shadow take me! Or maybe I stay with Mom? Or in the kenne? Who knows, who knows
I just wanted to update you all on the latest news and hope the weather wherever you are is as sunny as it is here...
O and if you like some statistics:
The Iranian readers have put their 1st place on solid ground, and Germans and U.S. readers are battling for 2nd position. All in all we are slowly aproaching 700 hits - thank you so much, all you anonymous motivators! Really, you motivate me to keep on improving my writing skills, and which dog can claim to have such great writing motivation! Have a wonderful time everybody, yours, gratefully, Hapoo.