Saturday, May 31, 2008

The time with the guests

Hi all:
Have I told you how wonderful it is to be able to show off what you have
Well, a few days ago we had guests. I could see that from the way Chris
had cleaned everything in the house and also prepared the beds. The
guests arrived, a lady and a man. Chris insists that I had met the lady
when I was a jolly young jumper, but I don't remember. So the lady was
fun. She almost immediately went into the kitchen and prepared food for
all of us, while the man petted me loads. I don't think we did much,
they all wanted to relax. Only at night we decided to go out again. I
took the lead towards the crossroad towards our right, where we had
recently picked up mom from the streetcar stop. I was so good, I found
the traffic lights, and we all crossed safely.We went to the city, where
the humans had food, and I lad loads of water. Chris says it was so nice
of the two to invite her.

The next day we went to the beach. Chris and I first walked, and then
when we were not exactly sure where to go, she gave directions, and so
we arrived safely at the beach area. Food first, and then it was beach
time. When there were not many people or dogs around, Chris let me run
off leash a little. They found a little tiny house resting on the beach
sand and sat down in front of it, using it as shelter against the wind.

A lady came up and told us we had to leave, probably because of me. But
Chris told her she never had to leave because of me, because it is
clearly visible that I am a guide dog. And then she said they'd have to
rent one of these little houses, and so they did, but still they did not
like the lady.

Chris can spend hours dozing in the sun, especially in such a tiny
house. Or rather it is a seat for two with a roof on top of it, and you
can adjust it so that it is like a deckchair. Fortunately it was not too
warm all day, so I didn't mind staying there. When it was time to leave,
the ladies and I took the key back to the grumpy lady. Apparently, the
lady wanted to give me some meat to make up, but Chris said it is
nothing for me, because it is too salty. So I got water, but only had a
mouth full of it. The ladies got the Bockwurst instead, Shadow would
have loved it. And the man was a little angry that he hadn't wanted to
take the key back. The old lady was really sorry she had been so unkind
towards us, but Chris said she understoodl. More food, looking at old
houses and small streets, and then back home. O how sleeping was good.

The next day the humans had to decide whether to go to the beach again
or to see mom. I am so happy they decided to see mom! We did. And once
we had arrived at the familiar train station, I raced along the street.
Chris made me stop a few times, so the guests could catch up with me.
Either race or stop, there was no in between. And then we arrived, up
the stairs, open the door, and there was the tiny dog. Cool thing, he's
allright. But he took complete possession of Chris. He followed her
right into the living room and sat on her nees, like he always does. Mom
had made food for the humans, and they ate it all. Then we except mom
went to the church for the guests to look at it. Only the tiny dog had
to wait outside, which he did. Then we walked back, and the cake was
ready. Too bad mom didn't have more time to scratch and pet me - I loved
being back so much! And finally Chris even took the time to walk to the
field route with me, past the annoying little crazy dog and into the
grass, where I could run off leash. She even found a stick, but we only
played with it for a short while, and then it was time to say goodbye to
mom and go back to the city. The guests packed their final things, I
received loads of pets from both of them, and then they left.

Chris says she had a good time with them, and cleaning up afterwards was
worth no mention. We have been spending our days lazing around, Chris
mainly on the balcony, following her beloved tennis. She says that Guga,
the wonderful Brazilian, has said farewell, and her favourite Nicolas
from Ecuador has made it into the third round, where he lost,
unfortunately. But the big spaniard Rafa and the mighty Suiss Roger are
both still going strong. Cheers for now and goodnight, Hapoo.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Birthday and a comment

Hi all woofers and humans:
Have I told you the coolest birthday present of mine?
Well before I start, I need to repeat - just like every year - that
naming one day in the year your birthday makes no sense to me. I am old
and wise, silly sometimes, but settled and protective of my bestest
human on earth, and I am certainly not born again every year.
I mean, if that is what it takes to make Chris give me fish (can't wait
until tonight), then I think one birthday a year is too little. Or maybe
I have more than one, because I get fish more often than once.

Well alyeay, Chris has just explored the website, and she's found a
comment from a month ago, telling me that some visitor likes my woofer
ramblings. Well dear visitor, if you like my ramblings, why don't you
come and give me pets, please? You are invited by my royal dominant
self, and don't listen to what Chris says. Just turn on your direction
commanding system in the car, the train or the plane (I'm sure they all
have that vice telling you where and when to turn right or left on
board) and come here and pet me! Okay, have to admit that you have to
like both me and Chris, because Chris is the bestest human on the
planet, with mom being close second, and a few others following not too
far away. If you want to be really nice to me, bring some Hapoo fish,
duck feet or pig hooves, poltry necks or potato biscuits. Chris never
minds me having these. With Bockwurst it's a different story.

Anyway, it's high tennis time for Chris, so I can be lazy. Wait, I think
I heard her talking about visitors, so I think I'm not going to be all
that lazy. Cheers for the moment, Hapoo longneck.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The second tennis day

Allright, Chris fell asleep almost immediately and woke up after the
wonderful boss of hers in the morning. When they both were dressed, the
boss took me out to walk towards the car. She says I pull a lot - well
of course, I want to see how far I can stretch her limit of tolerance,
right? But generally I was a good girl, that's for sure. And the walk
towards the car wasn't too far either. But when we went home, I pulled
even more, of course.
The ladies cleaned the room and packed everything, and then checked out.
Ilka says the receptionist lady wasn't at all friendly. Then we walked
through the train station again to find breakfast, of course, only for
the humans.I got a few Hapoo treats for breakfast and dinner, and that
was it all. Chris says I can live with just a bit of food for a day - I
think I can live with much more food each day. But maybe that isn't so
good for my leg and my attitude towards high jumping - well well.

Apparently the navigation thing that tells them where to go didn't want
to talk to them, so Ilka found the way anyway, and we blocked the entire
street with ours and many other cars, to get to the parking spot. There
Chris found out that this was the VIP section, but the man remembered us
and told us we could stay there. I now who's the VIP - me, of cours,
although I am not a Pog!

Then we walked along the street for me to do my business andthen back
into the tennis craze. But first of all it was shopping time for the
ladies. Apparently Chris bought herself cups like she always does, and
Ilka bought something else, and then they bought more clothes for Chris.
Shopping for clothes is something Chris falls into every now and then,
only to tell the world that she has no more money - only to go shopping
some time later again. Maybe the money has rebuilt in her pocket???

Well first we were at the big court, and the wonderful weelchair friend
gave me a Hapoo treat. They saythe match was great, but then they needed
a break. We went to another side court again, because we were waiting
for the tennis man there. Before him, however, there were four others on
the court, and Ilka loved watching them play. After that match we
climbed over benches. Chris must have been afraid to let me do that on
my own, so she carried me, until I got the chance to prove that I am
aware of what to do. I climbed down professionally, I surely did not
jump! And of course, everybody admired me for being so clever. We
finally were at the very front row to watch the tennis man, when
somebody said he would not appear. Too bad, but we went to the other
court instead, to the big one, where we saw one of Chris' spaniards win
over the German guy. The others had fun telling Chris that she supported
the wrong side, but she thinks it wasn't the wrong side.

After that match we left and got into the car, after I had had time to
do my business. It took a while until we were on the highway, because
there were so so many cars everywhere.

By now Chris had gotten a huge sun burn on her shouldrs, but she says
this is the sacrifice you have to deal with when you don't want to watch
a single match, and you forgot to bring sun blockers. Well I have my fur
to do that job, need no sun blocker.
Ilka says she loved these two days, and we should all go agai next year
- maybe with mom and Ilka's son. O yeah, then I always have somebody to
pet me. But I have to admit I liked it when we were back at home. Being
home is neverb bad, no matter how wonderful the trip.

And now it is back to daily routine - work in the morning, be lazy in
the evening. Chris says from next week she is off work, so we cn be even
lazier. Allright, no probs. But for now I have got to finish, she needs
to shut down the PC, yours, Hapoo.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tennis man days

Hi all woofers and humans:

Well, you know, last Monday I knew we were going somewhere, but the fun
thing was that this time it was not with mom or Shadow, but with the
cool lady from work Chris calls her boss. I thought Chris was always the
boss, but apparently that's not the case.

Well, I got into the bosses car, and I shared the back seat with the boy
who kept petting me until we had arrived at a nice place. There was a
man who liked me, but the woman was really scared of me. But she was
really brave, and Chris kept me away from her. The boy stayed with the
couple, and the remaining three of us got back into the car until we
arrived somewhere. O after we'd walked a few steps I knew where we were!

We were at the tennis place, where they play tennis everywhere, I am not
supposed to play balls with them, and where there are so many people
watching. When we arrived, I saw the nice lady who sits in a weelchair.
She petted me, but Chris told me to go lie down in front of her, like I
always do, and be quiet. Of course I did, and she had fun watching the
match. We left the huge court and went to one of the smaller ones, where
for me it was the same - sleep under benches or in the shade and do
nothing, except reach up with my long neck for a pet or more. The boss
always pets me, it's so so nice! We only moved one other time, to go to
the neighbouring small court, where another of Chris' favourites won.
T was really warm, the ladies stayed on the courts though, sweating
away. I thihk at one point the tennis man showed up with a partner, so
they played on court, four people, four rackets, one ball. Mom loves
that combination a lot. Chris says the tennis man was not the better
one, but the fact that they won made him feel quite cheerful. I still
did not get him to pet me, because Chris and the boss both aren't like
the teenagers running after the tennis man. They should though, because
I want pets from the tennis man.

Chris says while on that court, she heard a racked break for the first
time, it sounds like a normal crack of a not too thin stick. She also
says she finally knows what it sounds like when the ball is not hit by
the racket's sweet spot, and how a string breaks. I don't care, I want
to play with the ball!

We went home after a German guy lost really badly on the big center
court. Chris says he didn't deserve that, and she should have given him
a comforting hug. Well then why don't you, silly girl?
We left the place then and took the car to the hotel, where Chris found
out that we didn't have to pay the Hapoofees, which she said was just
fair. We took the bags upstairs, Chris walked around the room, and then
it was my time to run on the flexible leash and do my business and all
that. I think the ladies also enjoyed a nice walk in the warm weather.

Well everybody, Chris says she has to get ready for work, so I'll see
you later, cheers, Hapoo.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Trouble with the old bones

Hi all:
Before I leave for tennis watching, Chris says I have a bit of time to
tell you this:

In the middle of this past week, we went outside for our afternoon
outside session, where I can run and sniff and play. I was really in a
good mood, so I jumped around and barked and made Chris play with me.
However, one of my jumps was so huge that I hurt my right front leg
while landing. I didn't cry or anything, it was just uncomfortable. I
told Chris something was wrong by just walking beside her quietly. She
got my point and took me inside. She said I could lie down now, and by
the time work had finished, everything would be allright.

Well it wasn't. Lying down was allright, but then when I had to walk it
was bad. I limped all around the place, and Chris called me Hopper. But
she was worried, I can tell, because she took me to my favourite corner,
the nice soft carpet, and worked there and even called mom. When we went
outside, mom was there waiting for us. We went to a vet place.

Chris says we have been there last year, but I don't remember. The vet
man was nice, gave me loads of Hapoo treats for being a good girl. He
messed around with my leg, but he said nothing was broken. He gave me a
Hapoo treat and handed Chris a few more to give me. Then they talked
about my weight, he estimated me at 35 ilos. Chris thought I wasn't that
heavy, so for the first time in my life I was weighed, and they now knew
that I weighed about 28.5 kilos. That's about 57 pounds, Chris thinks,
and acceptable for me.

Out of the vet's office, mom and Chris decided that they could just as
well go to the city and have ice-cream. We took the streetcar, and I got
a good bit of water for a drink and took a nice rest. Chris says she is
so happy I can walk nicely again. The next day was off, and a man came
to provide Chris with loads of good music sound. And Friday I guided
Chris to work allright, and no limping anymore.
Cheers, Hapoo.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Two beaches

Hi all:
It's been two weeks now since this has happened, but Istill wanted to
share the most wonderful day ever.

That Sunday morning Chris got up, walked me and did not have breakfast
at all. The doorbell rang and we went downstairs to meet the wonderful
boss from work. She took us with her by car, and we ended up in a nice
house on a balcony, the humans having the most luxurious breakfast. They
were talkinjg, and the boy petted me. Then they cleaned up and we went
by car again.
We arrived at a nice route, where Chris let me off leash, and I could
run. Then we were at the beach, finally, and the ladies sat down. It was
not the nice and sandy beach we usually go to, but another one with more
stones and pebbles. Chris threw some for me, so II could run and stretch
my legs, that was fun. I even went into the water, so my feet got wet.
Am I not brave? When finally I got tired, I lay down in the shade
bbehind the talking ladies and kept a close eye on Chris. And when she
got ready to leave, I was right beside her, so she would not leave me
behind. She did not, and the walk back was a lot of fun, too.

Then I had another little bit of rest at home, and Chris gave me my fish
for dinner - delicious. Then the doorbell rang again, and it was the
friend who often comes to spend the night with us. She took us by car,
and we ended up at our usual beach side. First we walked along the
crowded street, the humans had fish rolls and then ice-cream, and then
we walked on the sandy beach. When there was no dogaround, Chris let me
off the leash, and I had such fun tossing in the sand and jumping. O how
I love beaches, they give me a sense of freedom, I just have to run and
jump like a puppy.
Have a cool time everybody, cheers, Hapoo.