Thursday, October 20, 2011

busy day

hHey, she did it, she let me type right after the cool event!

Well to be honest I think it was cool only for Chris. But of course, I
had my fun times, too. Micki arrived at home at one point yesterday, and
Chris told her how to behave around me, so I didn't all hyped up. After
a while of human talking we all left and took the streetcar to the city.

There Chris picked up the harness handle and made me work through the
crowds of the shopping street. Oh I spotted dogs and really pulled
towards them, which Chris did not reward, trust me! We walked to a
hotel, just opened the door and then walked back to the busy street. I
think Chris did not know where to go, and it didn't help much that I
screwed up, too. But the third time around apparently Chris made a
modification and decided to take a tiny detour, so we could arrive at
the entrance safely, plus find our way back. I think we will do that
route again, and then we will be safe. Cool, eh? I don't know what we
need it for, but it'll have a reason!

Then we walked all along the busy street again, and I spotted another
dog I wanted to follow so urgently. Boy that was no fun for sure, Chris
knows how to spoil fun while I am working. So I had to remember what the
harness was on my back for, and then did a good job, she says. In and
out of stores, in one Chris bought new human fur clothes - well without
the fur, of course - and in another a plastic case with something in it
she calls a CD. We also took escalators, and she says given the fact
that we haven't practised escalators much, I did a fantastic job. Then
back home we went into that place where Chris usually picks up food to
eat, but this time the ladies sat down, and only afterwards did we go home.

I tell you I really slept well at night. Chris says she did not, because
I woke her up hitting the side of the bed with my paws. I must have had
a dream of running along. Running and bouncing is wonderful, trust me!

Cheers for now, she wnats to prepare for going to work, Quito.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Human puppies and cheese treats

Hello outside world:

Again it's been a long time I managed th get paw time on the keys, and
again so much has happened. I will start by telling you that one day
Micki came to pick us up, and we drove to the furniture store. There the
humans had food, the ladies bought some wooden boards of varying sizes,
put them into the car, and then we walked back inside the store. Chris
picked up the harness and told me forward. Micki only followed and did
not say a word. So I followed the pointers on the ground, until I
spotted a Daniel. Chris says it wasn't Daniel, but instead it was a lady
in a wheelchair. Hey, all wheelchair drivers have to be Daniel, and they
have to be as cool as he. I took Chris there, for maybe she'd wanted to
speak to Daniel, but it was a lady for sure, and she gave me a quick
pet, as did the lady acconmanying her. Then Chris told me forward, and I
searched for the next pointer on the ground. Only in the plants area I
cannot find the pointers, that's where Micki helped us, until I saw the
pointers again and took Chris right past the checkouts. She says I a a
great dog, always opting to go straight to the exit without the checkout
stop. This time it didn't matter, because we hadn't bought anything.

Then we went shopping in the food store, where we stopped at two other
stores, one with coffee and one with weird clothes that consist mainly
of small straps.

And after the food store we went back home, where Micki looked at the
almost finished kitchen. She generally liked it but was not sure about
the worktop, Chris' most favourite item.

The next day Chris was working from home, and it was really sunny. Then
the sister Suse came, picked us up and we went to the furniture store
again, this time only to the counters near the doors. We also met the
cool friend who now works in the store. Then Suse also looked at the
kitchen and was not sure about the worktop, either. Chris doesn't mind,
at least there is something to talk about in the kitchen.

The next few days passed by quietly, until one morning Chris called to
wake up Mr Mylove, and he told her that he was father to a newborn human
puppy. Ooh I don't like human puppies, they are so tiny and move so
weirdly. But Chris was happy about that news. The baby, as Chris calls
it, not puppy, is well and healthy, and Mylove was really proud and
happy and immediately went to see him. He's still there, I believe.

How can it be that he has a human puppy? Chris laughs and explains that
he is the father, and a human mother had given birth to that male new
human. He will grow up and be tall as most other humans, but that will
take much longer than it takes for me to grow up. I wonder if human
puppies have obedience and recall training, too, when they're puppies.
His name is Elias, Chris tells me, and there won't be explicid obedience
sessions, but it will be worked on constantly. He won't have to lie down
on any ground on command, but he will have to sit still during dinner
and learn how to use those hand extentions for eating and more of those
human curiosities.

And yesterday, o goodness, I had my kitchen debut. I walked into the
kitchen, knowing that there was cheese on the worktop. I stood up tall
and had most of it, and Chris was later on wondering where it had gone.
She then walked into the kitchen, called me to come inside, but I did
not. She sat me down in front of the kitchen and then called me inside,
but I knew what had gone wrong, so tried to make up and did not move an
inch. Then Chris called me to my mat and that was it. At night I
received a smaller portion of food, too bad, because she knew by now
where the cheese had gone. She says I am very smart, because I know she
had found out, and I know from her view I was on the wrong side, even
though the chees had been delicious. But when the head of the pack is
angry, you'd better be very quiet and obedient at all times!

Allright, we've got to goo to work very soon, cheers for the moment, Quito.

Monday, October 03, 2011

She's gone...

Hello all:
I have to tell you about last week. Of course, a few nice things
happened. it started with Daniel on wheels picking us up and going to
the city in his car. We walked along the pedestrian zone to the bank
where Chris gets those papers che calls omney, and then to a human food
place, where they ate and talked, gave the lady those money papers and
we then walked back to the car. Having arrived at home, Daniel turned
off the engin and then they listened to music and talked some more, like
they usually do. I know that procedure, so I lay down, took a little nap
and waited until Chris opened my door, put me on leash ad said goodbye
to Daniel.

The next day the friend Silke finally returned. Then things were a
little quiet, and then one day the friend Silke showed up with a man in
the morning. They had a huge wooden board between them, which they
carried into the kitchen. What on earth would one want with such a
massive cutting board in the kitchen? What followed was weird. They
closed the door and made loads of noise, and after a few hours the
kitchen floor was covered with what Chris calls sawdust. Chris was
working in the meantime, and whenever she wanted to talk on the
telephone she went into the bedroom, closed the door and stayed there
until she had ended the conversation. After a while the friend Silke
left, and the other man, I know him from work, stayed and made some more
noise and sawdust.

At one point he told Chris that water was dripping from somewhere. She
checked it and they said a water pipe was broken. So they called
somebody to fix it. Chris says she now knows where she can turn off the
water supply for the entire apartment. Soon the doorbell rang and I ran
to check who was coming, but was sent to my place. A stranger arrived
and disappeared in the kitchen. Ke left without having done anything.
Soon another man arrived, looked at the pipe, left, returned and fixed
the damage. Chris says she was really glad the man was there, the
colleague from work that is.
After everything was done he disappeared in the bathroom, came out and
said goodbye to both of us. And when the friend Silke returned from work
the ladies sat on the balcony forever. The day was warm and lovely, and
so was the evening.

The next day the friend also stayed i the kitchen in the morning and
much of the afternoon, then took the hissing vacuum cleaner and walked
through the entire apartment with it, so we'd get rid of the sawdust.
I have spied in the meantime. Chris has re-arranged all of the kitchen,
and the gigantic cutting board lies across the cupboards. Some others
are hanging on the wall, and so is the microwave. I am sure glad I am no
cutting board or microwave, for I wouldn't want to be lying or hanging
all day, neither standing like the coffee machine. Chris loves the
kitchen, she says so all the time. After everything was cleaned, we went
for the dog walk all together. And then we met the other colleague
called Julia, who plays with me. I like her loads for that, so I greeded
her enthusiastically. She came upstairs with us to look around the

Then we went downstairs and into Hulia's car, and she took us to the
restaurant where Chris and I once went with Mr Mylove. She says that was
the first place she and Silke had gone out to some three years ago, with
Hapoo back then, of course, as I have only stayed with her for one and a
half years. They had great food, Julia enjoyed the tea and the service,
and they talked, of course. And when we left Chris had the idea to go to
the beach. Yeah, beach! I want beach! We did go there, but I was not
allowed to go into the water. Chris went with her feet to check how cold
it was, but I was only allowed to play in the sand. Allright, I did.
Julia was on the leash, and we both played a lot. I really love playing
with her. She took us home and we then said goodbye. Chris checked her
emails, but I slept almost immediately that night.

The next morning after the dog walk Chris prepared breakfast, and then
Silke joined her on the balcony. They were both lazy, until Silke got up
and started to clean up. She ran around from bedroom to bathroom and
back and packed her bags. They locked me in the livingroom, so they
could leave the door open, and then they ran upstairs and back down.
Chris got a few items out of the basement, they talked and ran some
more, until Chris returned without Silke, whose car I heard leaving. And
then Chris moved the clothes drying stand to the center of the bedroom,
put my mat beside the bed, covered the bed with her own fres sheets,
moved Mr Wambach the placid dog to the bedroom, too.

It still smells like Silke in there, but it looks like we have the
bedroom to sleep now. Quite a pity, because I like Silke mich, and so
does Chris. I think she didn't like us, otherwise she would have stayed!
Chris tries to convince me otherwise, she keeps telling me that Silke
has a job in Berlin now, but I am convinced she moved out because she
didn't like us. If you like somebody you stay with them, like I do with
Chris. Okay, I could stay with the sister Suse, too, but I like being
with Chris, so I am staying with her.
At least Mylove likes us, for he talked with Chris later in the
afternoon, and then Chris also talked with Daniel and with the friiend
who is in Spain. She also talked with the one Hapoo called Shadow, whome
I have never met. I think Mylove is the best, because he has taught me
to swim and play in the water.

Currently Chris spends her time in the kitchen, making dishes and other
kitchen items take baths and drying them. Too bad, the kitchen sink is
way too small for me, and I wantthe sea or a lake or river to take a bath.
Well, I have got to be patient, for now it will be back to quiet time
without Silke, and back to work, too.
Have a good time yourselves, wherever you are, cheers, Quito.