Sunday, July 27, 2008

The last days of leasure

Well, it looks like we ´went home safely, but this t6ime accompanied by the friend of Chris'
Mom had taken me and the friend's mother to the station, and there we met the friend. The train was late, so all of us roasted in the sun. It was terrible, even though I had so much water at the friend's mom's apartment. We finally left on the train. First our route was blocked by some beer on the ground, so we went upstairs. Some wonderful people who were not from this country gave the three of us a fourseater, which was really nice. But behind us there were folks Chris considdered scary. She says they belong to the right side of the society. She says that side of the society is very dangerous. I don't know why one side of it is dangerous and the other isn't, but that's my dog brain I think. I am just thinking that Chris always walks on my side, and she is not scary. But she felt uncomfortable with these people, and she must be right. Finally we got up again, and Chris occupied two seats in a fourseater, where one man was sitting. She took the friend with her and all the bags, and we finally got settled.
The man who was sitting with us now was quite nice, at least the ladies talked with him for a long time. When we finally got off the train, a man and a woman were waiting for us, and they took us all to a taxi. And the taxi took us home. I loved being home for sure, it is nice to have your familiar spots and beds back, and Chris and the friend.
The next day, which was yesterday, we went for the lunch walk, and there were two dogs off leash. Chris first touched them, but then one and I got into a little fight. She held me back so I couldn't do anything, because she controlled my muzzle. But that dog bastard didn't want to get off me. Chris says his owner smelled like alcohol, but he at least reacted to her very strict words and finally left with his dogs. It took all of us a while to get settled, for sure, and Chris made sure I had no scars. I got a chewing bone to bite on to relieve my stress, and that was really great. And after the evening route Chris let me lie down with her on the balcony, and she petted me until I was relaxed.
Today it was warm and too sunny again, and then between the lunch and the evening route the friend left, and I saw the Cherry lady dog. We did have a little growl together, but I generally like her. Unfortunately, Cherry was out with the lady, Chris likes Cherry's man more. And now that the friend is gone it will be back to our usual routines. I also think we will go to work. Oof, that heat will torture me, because we will have to go out just before lunch.
Allright everybody, please keep your fingers crossed that Chris will find nice company soon and that no dog on this planet and no right sider on this earth will scare her anymore, Yours, Hapoo.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Unpredictably busy

I all woofers and humans:
First of all, I need to tell you that mom left us to go somewhere with
her sister in the morning after taking us for the morning walk. I
immediately took on the responsibility of guarding the premises.
Whenever something moved, I was on alert and barked so Chris could pay
attention. We spent a lot of time in the front yard, Chris playing with
her new PC, and I either dozing in the sun or exploring the smells of
the flower pots or looking out at the things happening behind the gate.
And when mom came, we went for another big walk.

Today started pretty lazy. The lades had a long breakfast, and then we
went for a big run. I again took a splash in the pond, and came out
stinking like a frog, as Chris puts it. I was negatively rewarded for my
morning bath by being taken into the shower and given a through rinse. O
how I hate that natural rain of water!

I was hen put in the front yard to get a natural hair drying period,
while Chris took a shower ad then sat and talked with mom. Later she had
beans to clean and carrots and turnips to cut. During that she got a
blister, so there'll be no more heavy cutting for the next week or so.

The ladies had lunch, Chris took a nap like she always does while she is
here. She says this plus the tomatoes and the sun are responsible for
the withdrawal of the cold that was beginning to rise inside her. Good
job Chris, it's always good to win a fight.

But then in the afternoon we got into the car and finally went into the
shopping center again. Chris says she had lost one of the rings she
wears on her fingers, ad her left hand feels so stupidly empty without a
ring. So they looked out for rings in two shops, but they returned to
the more exclusive one. The lady there was really nice, and finally
Chris ended up buying two really beautiful ones, or so she and mom think
at least. One holds red tiny stones Chris calls rubies, and one holds
artificial diamonds and one central purple stone, whose name is too
complicated for me to remember.

Then the ladies had ice-cream, and Chris remembered to ask for Hapoo
water for me. And then they took me to the grocery store. I must
confess, I didn't feel like walking mannerly there. I would have
preferred to dash through the aisles in top speed and wag my tail, but
Chris wanted it to happen differently, so I had to hold back my energy.

Back in the front yard the ladies lazed, mom prepared delicious smelling
chicken food, but I did not get a single bite of it. She also had fish
outside, but I still didn't get any. So finally we went for the Hapoo
walk in the meadows. O I love to toss and turn in the cool and fresh
grass there, the meadow is the best fur and skin cleaner I know. This
time, however, we did not go to the frog pond, Chris says it is not good
for me to stink like a frog when we take the train back home.

And this is what we'll do: We will go to the friend's city again and
meet her there at the train station. And then the friend, Chris and I
will take the train home. Depending on how much luggage Chris finally
ends up taking home with her we will either take a taxi or the
streetcar, and then she will have a wonderful weekend with the friend,
and I am sure I will be missing the wonderful meadows from here and the
jumps and tosses and the pnnd. But I am also sure we will have to go to
work again soon, and there I will meet all the people I have not seen
for a long while.

Talk to you later, when we are back to our home routine, cheers, Hapoo.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The journey

Hi everybody:
We did go by car with mom, which was really nice. We ended up at the
friend's house, where we stayed for two days. Of course, the two ladies
talked for hours on end, had loads of what Chris calls delicious food,
and they also took me for a walk. On one of our Hapoo walks it rained
quite nicely, but I really had to go out.

Two nights ago then mom picked Chris and me up, and we went to the
sister's home. Well that was quite a shock,as my friend, the outside
dog, was nowhere to be found or sceted. So the big yard suddenlz turned
into one of the more boring places. I tought I could play with the
outside dog, and we could chase after tennis balls together. But for
some reason he was no longer there, and I have not spotted him so far. I
am still hoping he might have left with the sister and the nephew and
the sister's husband, but Chris keeps telling me that that is not the
case. Allright, whatever. I am being rewarded by two long Hapoo walks
with both Chris and mom every day. We walk through the chicken yard,
where Chris keeps me on short leash, and then step outside into the
meadows. If the neighbour's dog isn't outside, then I can run free

This morning it was particularly nice. I first did my usual business,
and then started to run and jump, right into the high grass and then
back on the soft road with short grass. And I also discovered a kind of
a pond. I did not intend to go in there, but I did, ad it was not all
that bad. And then I dried myself off n the high grass again. Chris says
I smell like a frog now, but I don't care much. I had a great run, and
Chris has a new toy. Yesterdaz we went shopping, and she returned with a
tiny tiny laptop baby, it looks like the baby of the usual one. But it
is far more quiet, way lighter and much tinier. Chris says it desn't
have so many extra features, but apart from that it is the perfect
companion for travels. Allright, as long as I can type on it, I am
I will try to keep you all updated as much as I can, cheers, Hapoo.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rambling about the men - part II

Okay, here is the second part of my interesting reflections.

Well, the tennis men can probably be summed up in one whole cathegory. I
have mentioned the tennis man named Alex, who was the first that seemed
to have captured Chris' compassion. She says he is an intelligent tennis
man, and he probably knows more about finance business than he does.
The second one is the tennis Nicolás, who has to sign the responsibility
card for naming Quito. Chris says two years before my time she watched
him fighting a great lot, and she considders him very persistent. She
likes two that no longer play, a tennis man called Andre from very near
where Shadow lives, and another one from Spain, also called Alex, like
the first one. And of course, there's tennis Rafa, with an incredible
will to win. He's just beaten tennis Roger on the soft grass courts I
have never seen. There are probably more, but I haven't yet found out
about them. It's enough anyway, don't you think?
Confronted by all these tennis man there is one sole Mr Music Man. He's
coming to Germany this summer, but for one reason or another Chris has
decided not to go see his shows. I like it, because it means that I am
not left behind. And maybe the fact that she doesn't travel to see the
kind Mr Music Man means that he is travelling to see us - maybe? After
all, she's bought many paper pages to see him. She likes his music a
lot, and she was filled with joy after she'd seen him last year. I think
I've told you about that event back then, haven't I?

This Mr Music man is joined by Shadow, who is not such a fan of his
music anymore, but who would join Chris in watching Mr tennis Nicolás
and all the others. I have found out that Shadow is somebody else's
Shadow now. Allright then, you just don't know what you're missing, but
you are one of Chris' men, I can't deny it, and neither can she.

Then there's the category of the family men she likes. First of all
there's the tall nephew she very affectionately calls "Affe" (monkey),
and the brother-in-law, his father. I like them, too, and the sister of
Chris' that belongs to them. We are there quite often to visit and play
with the outside dog. And then there's the oldest nephew, who had lived
with us a few years ago. Chris certainly likes him a lot. And then there
is her dad, but I can't tell you anything about him, as he has passed
away four years before Chris tdiscovered Mr Nicolás.

And the last group of men are the ones from work. My bestest pal is
Eric, the cool tall guy who always has coffee with Chris and who always
comes to pet me before he starts work. Then there's little Rob teaball.
I don't know why she calls him that, but when Chris is nice enough, I am
allowed to collect a pet from him, too. Then there's the furniture man
Marian, who once slipped me a carrot secretly. He always makes Chris
smile, like Mr Whistles, yet another Alex. And the coolest one of them
all is Max, who never asks permission to pet me. He just stops, kneels
down and gives me a good thorough pet in a way that Chris cannot be
angry at him. But I think he doesn't overdo it. O and then there's
Michael, the English student, who comes to pet me from time to time, but
he always asks Chris first.

I love all the men I know, which are all but the tennis men and the Mr
Music Man. I really strongly encourage all of you to come and visit, so
I can test my charms on you. I am charming, so I am, trust me, and I
have the softest fur ever, ask the other men! Just don't come to see us
next week, for then we will be going to the friend's place and the
sister's house with mom.
And if I don't forget about it, I might go ahead and tell you all about
the ladies in Chris' life, just to give you the complete picture.
Cheers, Hapoo

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rambling about the men

Hi all and every single one of you, woofer and human:

It has just come to my mind that Chris appears to have many men on her
mind. The starting point of my deep thinking was finding out why Chris
namen Quito Quito.

And now that I've found it out, I have to share the story, as it has to
do with a man.

It's yet another tennis man - not the initial tennis man Alex that we
have seen three years in a row now, but another one that Chris
discovered two years before my time with her started.
His name is Nicolás, and Chris has, of course, never spoken one word
with him. Again, Mr Nicolás tennis man, I extend my invitation to you,
so Chris can have a word or two with you.

This Nicolás Hardworking comes from a place called Ecuador. Chris says
we've never been there, but it is closer to where Shadow lives than to
where we live. The tennis Nicolás is from a city called Guayaquil, Chris
says, and this is where Quito comes into the equasion.

Quito's original name from her and my breeders is Jayra (pronounce: Ya
When the cool colleague from work, Petra, picked her up from the
breeders, she asked Chris whether she wanted to rename the puppy.
Of course Chris wanted to, and so she thought of a nice name.

Since Chris' hobby is tennis, she thought of calling her Nico. The bad
thing about this is that at work we have a colleague called Nico, so
that name was occupied. And since you cannot call a tiny tiny woofer a
long name like Guayaquil, which nobody but Chris, tennis Nicolás and I
can remember, she got as near as she could and named her, the tiny one,
Quito. She says it is a name not at all common with dogs here, like my
name, and it is good for calling the little one.

Allright, I think I quit here and tell you about all other men later.
I'm sure you have to enjoy the Quito story as it is on its own, without
being distracted by other ramblings.
Cheers for the moment, Hapoo.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The weekend with mom

Hi there:
Yes we are back online, my paws and I. On Saturday after work mom picked
us up. We were coming out of the cafeteria, where Chris had put her
coffee cup into the dishwasher, and through the glass door I spotted
mom. I love mom, and Chris knows. I wanted to sing at mom, but Chris
decided to be strict. Well to be fair, that morning I had forgotten to
stop at the curbs to the quiet side streets, and Chris and I walked the
particular distance twice or so. So this was the strict day, and so she
let me greet mom only when I stopped singing. But then I was allowed to
jump through the center off leash right to the exit, down the stairs,
across the car parking and over to where I usually run and do my Hapoo

After that we all went shopping in the store where we used to shop
before Chris decided that we should leave mom and go to the apartment.
The car was full finally, and we went home to mom's home. The humans sat
on the balcony and had a drink the smell of which I certainly don't
like. It's water with prickles and the stuff Chris calls alcohol. Bah,
not my stuff, I prefer Hapoo food. I would have had cat food just as
well, but the ladies made sure I didn't get it - too bad.

Chris and I stayed downstairs in what used to be our home, but it looks
dofferent now. No more Hapoo house or anything, but I still lay down by
the kitchen door, and Chris slept in the livingroom. When she finally
got up the next morning, mom said happy birthday, and Chris got a tiny
tiny cup and a silver and gold spoon. She says that the adopted
Godfather of hers always used that spoon to stir the sugar in his
coffee. And since she and he are good friends, he can have that spoon
when he is visiting us now. The humans took me for the Hapoo walk first,
a long one it was. We walked along the field route, through the field of
weat plants, a tiny part of the romantic route and the street back home.
Then the ladies had a long breakfast, mom took care of the laundry, and
then they started to bake cakes. And then, just before lunch time, the
adopted godfather of Chris' came and brought chocolate. He stayed for a
while, and after he left the next cake was finished. In the afternoon
the ladies took a nap and watched TV. Then mom went upstairs to iron
clothes, and Chris sorted out a few things she wanted to take back to
our apartment.

In the afternoon we hadwalked the long route again, this time completed
and extended by the walk around the church. In the evening the cousin
came and told Chris that her present was to clean her apartment once
thoroughly. Chris loves that, because she hates cleaning all the time.
Me too, I don't like water buckets and vacuum cleaners and all that
stuff. Then we all four walked through the vilage to the cemitery to see
the unknown dad's grave, and the cousin was incharge of me. On the way
back we picked up some pizza from the usual place. I spotted a cat under
a car, and the cousin forgot to hold on to the leash heehee. But of
course, I didn't catch that thing.

Yesterday we finally went back home, the car was filled with the grocery
and the things Chris wanted to take along and the clean laundry. Our
washer drier is broken, so mom washed Chris' laundry. She says that
doesn't matter, because that way she finally can fill her
washing-machine well enough. Just before mom lay down on the couch to
take a little afternoon nap, I got a dried turkey neck - delicious, let
me tell you. I know humans don't like this kind of food, but I advise
all dogs to persuade their humans to bguy them turkey necks and Hapoo
fish,duck, goose and chicken feet and tripes, cow lungs and ears, they
are all delicious. And don't forget eggshells or entire eggs!

So we are finally home, and I thin Chris ps planning to go somewhere
else with me. I can feel that, I know her. But I haven't figured out yet
where I am going to the Hapoo kennel or with her to some cool place.

Cheers, Hapoo.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The very exciting day with millions of exciting people

Hi all:
I know, it's been such a long time, and in the meantime the Spaniards
have done well in football and tennis. Tennis Rafa has beaten tennis
Roger on grass - now why on grass I wonder? Because they get fewer
bruises on grass? Or the ball bounces nicer there, or because they know
that a dog needs to have grass every now and then?

Well, the tennis Rafa from Spain has won the big thing on grass in what
Chris calls a really thrilling match, and she was happy he did so. But
as you can imagine, if there is no playing with Hapoo involved in the
game, then it is not all that interesting for me. What was interesting
was that today we had fun at work.

First of all, in the morning man came and took our washer-drier apart,
but he put it back together and told Chris that she stil cannot use it.
He was nice, he let me have a smell and then went to work. At work I
felt like playing before we went inside.

Until the first few phone calls everything was the same, but then the
man boss who is Chris' English student came and asked if Chris would
show his daughter how she works. Chris did so and then continued

All of a sudden the office exploded with people, I think the whole
planet was inside the service center. We walked into the back office,
where an old man said a few words. I was bored, I lay down and waited. I
didn't even get up when they applauded. We walked back into our office,
and Chris decided that it was time to feed me. But I had to wait fo the
food. Somebody said that we were needed in the back office for photos,
so she took me, and she got to stand beside the old man, and I sat right
in front of them. That time I did not feel like looking at the camera
people, but I bent my long neck back to get pets from Chris.
Fortunately, the photos didn't take long, and so I could run back to my
food right away.

Then the old man came back into the front office, and right away there
were the millions of people around him. There were so many people that I
found myself unable to sleep - after all I am a watch dog, and I have to
see that I don't miss out on anything that might happen to me or Chris.
After yet another phone call of Chris' Ilka brought a lady who had given
me a short pet before, and Chris showed her how she works, and all the
things that are on the desk. The lady even tried to write in the dotted
language called Braille, and then she turned to me and petted me. She
even decided to stay with me when her husband came and tried to persuade
her to join a kind of presentation. The two talked about dogs and
travels and Switzerland, and I think they agreed on quite many things.
Finally it was time for the lady guest to leave, and then Chris got back
to work.

I really liked the lady's pets and the fact that her second name is like
mom's second name. People with that name must be just as nice as mom.

After the office was back to its usual quiet summer evening routine, I
still was excited, I didn't drink all that much water. But when it was
time to go home, I ran home and showed Chris all traffic lights.

After she had settled in at home, she called first the sister and then
the friend, and told her about our exciting day. I found out that the
old man is the one who was initially responsible for Chris getting her
job. Now here it is getting too complicated for my woofer brain. I'll
just say that he must be really important for all the humans, but the
most important one apart from Chris that night was the lovely lady who
even had fun when Chris showed her that I can bark. Allright, thos Chris
of mine wants to go to sleep, so I'll go and hide in the bedroom,
cheers, Hapoo.