Friday, January 31, 2003

Hi all:
You know something?
Shadow has shifted his times of calling Chris from evening to morning. It is funny, for most of the times Chris has to run to find the phone. And when mom is there she helps. Chris has explained that Khodadad has a job now. But then why doesnÂ’t he work in the morning?
Okay, my master told me something about different time zones, but do you really believe that? Time is time – when I get food it’s time to sleep. And when Chris comes back after a long silent break in which she has slept in the bed room (dog nono), it is morning, and usually mom comes and they have breakfast together. So why should that be different?
I accept your point: There are weekends, on which breakfast is usually expanded and we go for our morning walk later. Sometimes we spend part of the day in the city – but that’s about all that changes. I never got my food in the morning, and we never went for a super market tour at night. So why should it be day for Shadow while it is night here?
I used to receive mails from a butterfly from Australia, where the time is upside down, too, and Chris said something like people were walking upside down! Honestly, why would they want to walk with their heads dangling? Or are they standing on their heads? My nose would be in my way to do so, but humans might actually be able to stand on their heads, their body is finished by a rather flat head, while our highest place would be our pointy nose. We can smell, humans can think, that is fair! Only sometimes we are not allowed to eat the things we have discovered with our noses. Just recently I found a chocolate bar on the living room table while Chris was sleeping. Tell you, it was delicious, but Chris did not seem to be happy about my joy.
Well then, you go and solve the problems of time and walking upside down while I look out the window and long for another walk in the heavenly snow, yours, Hapoo.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Hi everybody:
One of Chris’ friends called Nico has asked why I have never written about one trip Chris and I went on. It was rather adventurous indeed. In the afternoon Chris and I left by train to go to Hamburg. She sat down on a bench and started waiting. Suddenly her mobile phone rang and Shadow told her that he would be late. Chris waited a little more and then seemed to remember something. She talked for a while, and another half hour later Nico was there. He was very kind and gave me pets and Chris something to drink. We walked around the city a little. Chris seemed to enjoy the weather and the walk, and the two talked a lot. I especially enjoyed another species of birds. They decrease their chance of being caught by me by swimming in deep water - what a horrible thing to do! Chris never let me off the leash anyway.
After they had walked enough we returned to the station and went into a little restaurant. Chris had something to eat, Nico had a drink, and I was left out, as usual! Then a drunken woman wanted to pet me, which Chris was very annoyed about. I remember that the restaurant staff were very nice and kept the woman away while the three of us left the restaurant. We then went on a platform and continued waiting. Nico was tired and Chris got more and more nervous. And just as she wanted to give me water, Shadow finally called us. She quickly put away the bowl, Shadow took his luggage, and Nico guided both Chris and me. We ran to catch another train. By the time we left Hamburg it must have been dark already.

Shadow had missed his morning train from Amsterdam, but he was able to inform Chris on time, so we left home a little later than originally planned. However, his afternoon train did not stop where it was supposed to, so poor Khodadad had to take another train. And as he was sitting in his final train to Hamburg, they were delayed because a fire near the tracks. We had to change trains on the way to Rostock, and by the time we arrived there the place was deserted.
Only the lovely, patient and wonderful Mom was there to pick us up. Wonderful were the times the car was working! Poor Nico was very tired by the time we said goodbye, but I remember Chris really appreciated his company, and anyway, I had an extra amount of pets.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

Hello to all my anonymous friends:
Before I start telling you about my wonderful day, I would like to recommend the beginning weblog entries to all new readers. In those you will learn all about what it means to become and to be a guide dog, and also about Chris and the most important people around us.
However, I really need to share how wonderful today was. First of all: Chris again slept in the living room to watch tennis, and she even gave me pets after she had woken up. At this unusual time suddenly her phone rang, and from the sound of her voice I knew that it was Shadow calling. He must have told Chris some nice news, because she was rather cheerful after she finished the talk. The tennis match did not have the result Chris would have preferred, but she recorded it anyway, and strangely enough, she went to sleep afterwards again. When she woke up I still had to wait some time, because Chris and mom had one of their long breakfasts upstairs.
When we finally did go outside, it appeared that Dicker, grandpa Ajax, was as cheerful as me, so we really went and played quite a lot. I almost fell into the water I was planning to drink, but it was not too bad, I did not get too wet, only around my neck. We only spent a little time inside, and then Chris and I walked to the train station. We only went to the train station, where we stayed on the platform. In the meantime mom ran to buy newspapers, and back on the train we saw a neighbour with her boyfriend and his daughter. That poor thing did not want to pet me, although I would have loved that so much. Chris practised directions with me, but then work was done and I slept a little.
However, she decided that the weather was too nice for me to stay inside, so she took me out on the balcony again. It has been such a long time since I have been there, but today it was really great. I lay in the sun and enjoyed it a lot. Everything was so nice that I even was not mad at Chris for leaving me alone most of the afternoon. I have just returned from my evening walk with many new things to smell in the soft and humid earth. I am certainly going to dream of dogs’ paradise when I go to sleep now, yours, Hapoo.

Friday, January 24, 2003

Phones and memory
Okay, I admit that I am somewhat frustrated. Chris keeps watching tennis and insists that she has watched a “Historical match with the score of 21/19 in the deciding set”…. So what! As if I’d care!
However, her tennis-mania has a positive side to it: She sleeps in the living room, so she can access her TV easier.

What I originally wanted to tell you about is a really strange thing:
Yesterday mom and Chris spent about 1.5 hours with their telephones. Mom read a little book, and then they both took their phones and played around with their keyboards. Apparently Chris has configured her phone so that it can remember the phone numbers of her friends. How can a phone have a memory, I wonder?
I have memory, and Chris certainly does, too, but objects? Quiet little things that have to be carried around? Okay, her computer talks to her, that’s easy to explain, computers must be able to think and remember, though I don’t know how.
But phones? The only time I think they are alive is when they ring to announce an incoming call! But that does not justify memory. How on earth can a telephone remember things even though not used for a day or more? It even appears that it can have different voices…
For once I don’t know any solution; I guess matters are more complicated here…
I just know that I will never touch a telephone – it might bite back remembering what I did to it one day! Have a wonderful morning with all these twisted thoughts, yours, Hapoo.

Saturday, January 18, 2003

Hello on a rather sunny and mild day:
There are two things I would like to discuss.
First: Why are some animals permitted to live so high in the sky that I can’t reach them? I enjoy jumping, but I can try as much as I want, I just can’t get there. Chris calls them birds, but I think they are just designed to annoy me. This morning we were on the field walk when I heard long shouts from above me. I looked and tried to smell, but those animals I saw in the sky were way out of reach. Chris and mom had a good laugh, which annoyed me even more. I think somebody should take those creatures out of the sky and put them on the ground on four feet, so I have a fair chance to run after them!
Second: Why do clothes need bathing? After her morning routine Chris spent about an hour or so in the bathroom, bathing some of her own and mom’s clothes. She changed water quite often and put some kind of soap in the water and finally dried them in the laundry machine. Then mom took over and put the clothes on the line outside. I know that clothes are washed in the laundry machine and then go either on the heater or on the outside clothes line, so why did Chris give those ones special treatment? I am happy she does not give my paws or me three baths. I told you, humans are a strange species.
I will go think over these matters for a while and probably fall asleep. You have a wonderful day and keep watching tennis, yours, Hapoo.
P.s.: Does everybody watch so much tennis these days?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Hello all you patient friends out there:
I am sorry I did not write any earlier, but we had two visitors: One lady and one dog.
The lady seems to have two names, too, but Chris calls her Les, so I’ll follow that. Her dog’s name is Miss, nice match.
Miss gets some medication into her eyes, I am glad I don’t need to go through that torture. They are a nice pair, but Miss occasionally steals my sleeping mat, which is not too pleasant. She is no fun either; she never plays and is a scary cat on top of that.
I like Les much more. She pets me and plays with me when Chris is busy with Miss. What do I say; they left this morning, another cruelty. We took them to the train station, and Chris did not permit me to follow them into the train. Big big disappointment. And on the way back Chris did not seem to care where she was walking, I completely sensed that. So I took care she did not fall or run into anything. See, this is what we guide dogs are there for.
Les brought a new bell for me, it is light, and Chris likes its sound. Les also brought bones, but they disappeared in the storage room, where she also hides the food.
Yesterday we walked along the street, that was a nice change. I would have taken Chris along the field route she walks with Shadow, but I guess she only likes that in summer, she took me straight back home. All right, that was fine with me.
Something else I have to complain about: Missie often walked into the kitchen, am never allowed to do so. However, Chris always told her to go out, and Les, too. Les is a fine lady, I like her. What I don’t like is the fact that there is another dog around Chris can pet. I want to be the only one!
However, I have to recover from all these changes, so I am going to sleep now, yours, Hapoo.

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Talent and torture:
Honestly, friends, if you find out something all alone, and you are punished fort his new talent, wouldn’t you be angry? Over the past time I slowly found out how to open doors, to Chris’ disliking, unfortunately.
It all started on yesterday’s afternoon walk, when I was more interested in mom than in Chris. Later Chris left me inside to unload the car from the shopping trip. I found the corridor boring, so I opened the outside door and went outside. I did not manage to see what Ajax had in his food bowl, for Chris immediately took me back, not mentioning my new talent with one positive word. On the contrary, she firmly told me to stay where she put me.
I did, but only until I did not hear her steps anymore. Too bad I am wearing a bell; as soon as Chris heard I was back outside she called me and told me to stay right by her side. I obeyed until we passed Ajax’ food bowl on the way back. I did not come when she called, because I found food. I should have noticed the clouds over my head, but now it was too late. The worst ever thunderstorm went down on me, and Chris ignored me until I came and asked her to forgive me.
This morning while she was playing the piano I took a little walk outside, and when I came back she told me that door handles are nothing to play with. And this afternoon when I tried to go outside again, I pressed the handle, but the door still wouldn’t open. Chris still found out what I had done, I wonder how. I don’t know what is so bad about opening doors, but chris doesn’t like it. We will see, we will see.
By the way, I need to mention that she has started wathing this stupid ball-flying game called tennis. Have fun wherever you are, byebye, Hapoo.

Thursday, January 09, 2003

About hair in general:
This is another strange item to discuss. The major difference between human and dogs is that dogs show all of their hair, and humans just show parts.
I have found out that people categorize dogs, as they categorize every other thing or being they discover. Hoverwarts like me can have any colour of hair from black to blonde. Of course, I for example have brown shoes and fortune eyes, but for the main part I am black all over my body.
Humans only show the hair on their head or in their face. Theirs also varies in colour, from black to white. They dress it differently and go to hairdressers that are specialized on cutting drying and even putting colour in hair. Chris has never coloured her hair as long as I am there, and I have only been to a hairdresser’s shop once, accompanying Shadow. Chris had spent her time drinking coffee. She has rather long hair she rarely wears loose. She always keeps it back with a hair band. Shadow has short curly hair.
Then there appears to be hair on human bodies, but they cover it with all kinds of fabric in various shapes, cuts and colours. Chris wears trousers and shirts in winter, but in summer she wears dresses. Men don’t wear dresses, but women wear trousers, isn’t that strange? And what if people gave us dogs something to wear in winter? But they never get that idea!
People comb their hair and don’t even think for a moment that putting their heads into the cold snow would clean hair as nicely as washing it. I love turning around and around in the deep snow, thus getting rid of insects and cleaning my hair much better than it is cleaned when Chris brushes it.
Finally dogs change their hair according to the seasons, people don’t. They only change their clothes, which might have replaced their hair. But I can’t stop laughing if I imagine Chris all hairy! Really, that’s too funny. And with this little smile on my face I am finishing my views on hair and preparing for a long shopping trip tomorrow, yours, Hapoo.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

hi friends:
Do you know what Chris just showed me? She just told me how many visitors I have - as if I knew numbers!
What is that, 319? What would happen to me if I got this many nice meaty bones? Would I die? Or go to dogs' heaven? Why does Chris never give me bones
However, she told me that I have readers from all over the world, Iran and United States almost battling for second place... Aren't these both countries Shadow is from? Too bad, too bad! He should rather be from Germany!
You know, friends, this is one of the gloomy dog days, not much to do in this bitter cold outside, and all depressing thoughts coming to mind as I am lying by the heater, expecting to see and smell Chris having breakfast! If Shadow was here, he would at least occasionally come out of the kitchen with a wonderful treat, but Chris..... NEVER!
I'd better go before I start shouting at the moon in all my despare, you have a nice Sunday all of you, Hapoo.

Friday, January 03, 2003

Hi out there again:
Now that everything is normal, I can continue comparing humans and dogs. As far as I can remember I have tried to come up for reasons why paws and ears are different, and today I will try to think about tails.

Dogs do have a tail, which is the most important statement to make. We use it to express our feelings most of the time. If we move it strongly, occasionally knocking over glasses on tables, we are extremely happy. If we hold it up in a semi-circle, we have fun doing what we are busy doing at that moment. The lower we hold our tails, the more we dislike what is happening. When I have my tail between my legs while working, you can be sure that it is exhausting and no fun. However, if you see me moving my tail while announcing a bench and receiving appreciative pets, then I am certainly enjoying my work.

Humans, on the other hand, don’t really have a tail. Chris wears her hair in a similar way at the back of her hair, but I believe this is different, because Shadow and Friend and all others surrounding me don’t. If it were a tail, all humans would show it. So why then is it missing? Probably because humans don’t need tails to express their feelings. This is indeed a mystery…
If humans don’t need tails, then do we dogs? Can’t we just smile like them, or does a tail make our means of expressions richer? I guess that is the solution, and I am relieved I can offer it. If you have different thoughts, tell me and let’s discuss, what about that? Sleep well all and hope I get food tonight, yours, Hapoo.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

Happy new year all friends:
Did all of you celebrate? Anyway, what’s so nice about switching from one date to another? I will tell you why this past time was so exciting for me.
First of all, without any prior warning Chris and I were alone in the house, and we took grandpa Ajax on our walks three times a day. On one occasion he barked at the cows and got pulled by one ear, but generally I had the feeling Chris was very proud of our behaviour. We never ran away too far and always returned when she called. She never bathed my feet anymore. One night she took me outside and I saw three people and a new car. Without any hesitation Chris invited them in, and there was one lady who immediately started petting us dogs. That was really nice. The lady, the man and the car left, but one girl stayed behind. I am talking about this friend of Chris’ I had met before, when Shadow was with us. Chris calls her so many names, so I will call her Friend, until I know her real name. Chris has many names for everybody; she never calls Shadow Khodadad, but gives him many names. For her I am not only Hapoo or Elsa, but also “Alte fette Nase”, Trinchen, or just no name at all. Friend is a smoker, she blows out stinking air and finds that nice. Chris does not seem to appreciate that air pollution, for she did not permit Friend to smoke inside. However, Friend always joined us on the dog walks, which no other visitor has done so consequently.
Soon after Friend sister Suse’s boyfriend Pit arrived. Strange, but that’s the only name Chris has for him. He brought his two dogs, but Chris and Pit took care I did not get too close to the other female, Ara. And the little one, Gorki, was too afraid to come see me, which he had done before.
One day all three humans and myself went shopping, and I guided Chris all the way to the super market near the train station. She was very satisfied I had remembered the route, and as a reward she did not attach me to the usual bar, but left Friend with me. In return I did not bark or pull the leash, for I thought that was a nice compromise. I even found the way back on my own, and soon I saw Mom come out of a train. We went to the city and bought nice smelling fish, and then the humans sat down on chairs to have coffee ad a little something to eat. It’s unfair I am not allowed on chairs, but always have to lie on the floor beside Chris’ chair.
And then the next day all of a sudden I found that grandpa Ajax was allowed in the basement corridor, and Chris made me stay there too, most f the time. She herself spent her time upstairs with the three others. From the smell I gather they had all the fish on their own and did not even think of us dogs. And then they went and talked a lot. Mom even permitted Ara and Gorki in the living room, and I found out that Chris, Pit and her talked about dogs most of the time. Then mom and Pit left, and later they rang the church bells although there were no services. Gorki hid under the couch, Ara stayed in the living room, Ajax and I were left in the basement, and Chris and Friend went on the balcony to play with strange fire. Outside I heard such a lot of shots that I was left wondering what a great beast was killed then. But since I was in the basement I did not find out.
When Pit and Mom came back they put candles on the Christmas tree and had Champaign, I don’t know what the special reason was. They said things like “Happy new year”, but I honestly don’t see the difference. Chris was particularly happy about a call from Shadow, understandable.
Since yesterday everything slowly went back to normal, first Pit and the dogs left, and today we took Friend to the station. Mom has caught cold, so Chris took care of her again. And now we are completely back to normal, which I like, except the fact that I have to sleep on my own again. Have a wonderful time all faithful readers and enjoy your year, yours, Hapoo.